A Hispanic Color ID Chart according to a Pew research:

I love “research” like this. Without having to go to the effort to read pages of  “investigation”, you know there is a heavy political tint in it. And I am not accusing the researchers of malice at all, but it is simply what they have probably been taught: Race is color and color is the only to be considered in the interaction between people.

And that makes them ever so wrong. Hispanic is not skin tone based but culture based.

According to the chart, I am a Hispanic Number 2 Shade (I feel like I am a Revlon eyeliner all of the sudden) which makes me White. But when you use the word “White” in the US, you get the Anglo-Saxon connotation : English Language native, Protestant and enjoys the snow and Macy’s Parades. If you know a Hispanic, specially one born outside the US , you know that there is nothing ever so different with the same skin color than your Anglo and a Catholic, snow hating, soccer-watching Hispanic. And if you have a lot of Hispanic friends, you know our skin color comes in Crayola box variety.

And then, to make things more confusing, Hispanics  get balkanized per country/region: You may sit me in between to an equally “melaninized” male from Uruguay and a dark black lesbian from Dominican Republic and I will have more things in common with the woman than the male simply because we were raised in the Caribbean basin sphere of influence. From the accent of your Spanish to the commonalities in the food we eat and the music we hear, we share many similar aspects, including the deep envy for the quality of beef the Uruguayan bastard has access to, allegedly some of the best if not the best in the world.

And then, if you really want to be confused, add the immigrant aspect to the Latino mix. Argentina has a well known German immigrant history, Brazil somewhat less. Peru has a lot of Japanese descendants and Venezuela had a lot of people coming from the Middle east back in the late 1800s, early 1900 which for some obscure reason were always tagged as “Turcos” (Turkish) even if the were from Saudi.  Now and to get even more confusing, add the European refugees from the wars of Mid 20th Century and you will have kids from different colors and cultural backgrounds whose parents and grandparents came all over the world, but they themselves identify as Hispanic because they speak Spanish, live in Latin America and even they do maintain cultural ties with their parent’s land of origin, they have the commonality of the culture they grew up with. And because of some sort unexplainable magic, all balances.

Trying to shoehorn Latinos into a politically-motivated racial mold is a fool’s errand, but one that provide us with many chances of laughter.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

28 thoughts on “When you try to shoehorn sand into a drinking straw.”
    1. Blue eye color charts to determine the percentage of Aryan blood?

      Bring back the “Paper Bag” test to determine who constitutes a “person of color?”

  1. And on a good note- it makes real Hispanics hate dems and vote republicans into office. Makes it fun hey?

  2. Just as bad as those whose families came from Europe and the Slavic states being lumped as “white” when asked for ethnicity. What, it’s not okay to be aware that one is from Latvia vs Ireland, and proud of one’s heritage?

    And that’s been the case for decades now. “White.” One box. Sigh.

  3. Hollywood does this a lot, even with white people. Whites are snooty, rich, Ivy League types, dumb southern hick types, rough, burly working types, etc. Even “whites” of European descent don’t all look the same. Blonde, red, or brown hair, curly, wavy, or straight, some pale and freckled, some tan, tall, short, and varying facial features. I’m a pale southern girl who has never seen a good snow except for a couple of times in Atlanta (stopped the town for days) and Orlando (made a 4-inch snowman on our car, none stuck to the ground).

    Variety is cool. Celebrating your cultural heritage is cool. Appreciating each other’s differences and learning from them used to be considered a very good thing. Now everyone has to “stay in their own lane,” and this is supposed to be progress? I say be proud of who you are, enjoy the uniqueness of others in your world, and be kind to each other. I guess that’s old school.

  4. Nothing drove that home more for me than going to a restaurant in Spain and ordering paella. Here, it’s a rice dish. In Spain, paella is soup.
    The left (and by left, I mean northeast liberals) thinks everyone from the south is a bunch of cousin humping, uneducated, unintelligent rednecks.

  5. I want to watch when some dickhead tells a Spaniard or Portuguese they’re not “ white.” I also want to see the result when some politician or clueless academic tells a Puerto Rican, a Mexican, a Colombian, a Chilean , etc. that they’re all the same. Note, too, that it was debated in some quarters whether or not Jews were white.
    I guess the answer depends on what kind of bigot one is.

    1. Since a relative did one of those genealogy DNA things and the result was 100% Ashkenazi, I have declared myself non-white since we are originally Semitic.

  6. First: the reason I think this was just released was the poll data that showed upwards of 40% of Hispanic Virginians voted for Youngkin. So this is going to go in the direction of “they are white supremacist Hispanics because half of Hispanics are actually white.” Sort of the “white Hispanic” thing done to George Zimmerman. They want to shame Hispanics back onto the Democrat plantation or dismiss the Hispanics that didn’t agree with them as white supremacists.

    Second: This is why I HATE what politics has done to the “Hispanic” identity.

    Talk to a woke and Antonio Banderas, Penélope Cruz, and Javier Bardem, all from Spain and ethnically European are on the same victim level as some migrant farm worker.

    Not just is it wrong, but it’s ridiculously insulting.

    Just imagine the absurdity of a wokie telling an Ashkenazi Jew (north-central European) that he’s a historical oppressor to the Argentinian or Spanish (from spain) grandson of a Nazi who speaks Spanish, because the Ashkenazi Jew is white and grandson is Hispanic.

    But given the way politics is, that’s a possibility.

  7. As long as we’re adding ingredients to the giant paella of what counts as “Hispanic,” let’s not forget that the Iberian Peninsula is home to five distinct languages (Portuguese, Spanish, Basque, Arabic, and Hebrew) and was the seat of three different globe-spanning colonial empires.

    Justice Benjamin Cardozo was the son of Portuguese Jews, making him and not Sonia Sotomayor the first Hispanic on the Court… But the modern media would never even hint at the existence of Sephardim.

    The Philippines were a Spanish colony long before and long after most of the nations of South America or Central America… But the idea that a Hispanic culture made up of Asians living in Asia would never fly with the American left.

    The Iberian Peninsula and North Africa are separated by a mere thirteen kilometers. There has been cultural exchange across the Straight of Gibraltar since before recorded history… and recorded history shows several waves of conquest and reconquest in both directions. African Hispanics living in Africa? Arab Hispanics living in Europe? Mixed “race” people living in both? All concepts wholly alien to the progressive leftist.

    Hispanic means Mexican. Mexican means manual laborer, nanny, or menial kitchen worker. Anything else is just a “white person” with a funny name.

  8. Using skin color is just stupid. My ancestors are German, English and Scots-Irish. I take my shirt off and I glow in the dark. My boss’s daughter married a Mexican. By a quirk of his ancestry and the fact that he’s an office worker and I work in the sun, he looks whiter than I am. In fact, the only indication that he’s not a local(Indiana) is his accent. Yet our cultures and backgrounds are very different.

  9. According to the chart, I am a color #2, maybe even a #3 and the closest my ancestors get to anything hispanic is southern Germany.

    Curiously, my buddy’s wife is from Morocco, and her hispanic skin type is closer to a 6.

    I think we should all adopt this as a form of self identification. Put it at the end of our e-mails, the same way that leftists put in preferred pronouns.

    Thanks, and have a great day!
    Hispanic skintype: #2
    Preferred pronouns: Letsgo/Brandon

  10. On my very first trip to Miami, I walked past three 30-ish women conversing in Cuban Spanish on the sidewalk outside a beauty parlor. One of the ladies was the stereotypical olive-skinned, black-haired “Hispanic.” One was a blue-eyed blonde. The third was black. And I’ve loved Miami ever since.

  11. According to the current dogma of the Oppressor/Oppressed Axis, all white people are alike and have the same culture, and all colored people, er, people of color are alike and have the same culture.
    Because, as we all know, Irish culture and Jewish culture are indistinguishable, as are Zulu culture and Thai culture.
    This is something that really bothered me about the Babylon 5 episode “TKO”: the premise that all the non-human spacefaring species had this Thing in common from which only humans were excluded. Really? And yet… now we’re seeing the racemongers assert that there’s a unified white culture, and a unified not-white culture.
    (Oh, and last I heard, Spaniards were not legally Hispanic. Because that totally makes sense.)

  12. I can tell from all of the comments that we all agree that putting humans into pigeon-holes is dumb, and the left is doubling down on that.

    I think that the only categories that humans can be reasonably be put into is: There are two sexes: Male and Female.

    BUT, as we know, the Left is turning THAT categorization into woke “what’s your pronoun” soup.

    Topsy-turvy world, ain’t it?

    1. Twenty-and-some-change years ago, I was considered a radical lunatic because I believed that there were two sexes (male/female) and two genders (man/woman) and that for most people the two would correspond (male man, female woman). But for a certain rare percentage of us, brain chemistry and other factors would create a dysphoria were these categories would not align… and thus you had transgender individuals. So a person would have a biological sex that was different from their social gender (e.g., a transgender man).

      In 1995, this made me a radical LGBT activist.

      In 2021, it makes me a reactionary bigot.

  13. The Democrats are just getting the foundation set for Jim Crow 2.0: This Time We’ll Make It More Equal.

  14. As I have said time and time again, the United States’ federal government defines “Black or African American” as “[a] person having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa.”

    They never explain what they mean by “origins” and this I’m left to look for outside references. According to every bit of information I’ve read, every scrap of objective data, empirical evidence, and falsifiable hypotheses out there points to H. sapiens first emerging as a distinct species in what is now eastern Africa. Ergo, my origins are in one of the Black racial groups of Africa. So are yours. So are Kanye West’s. So are Kim Jong Un’s. So are Paul Anka’s.

    I refuse to check any other box, unless someone can show me an objective, empirical, and falsifiable definition of what “white” is.

      1. It used to be E Pluribis Unum…..(spelling mite be off)
        Out of many comes one. You are jewish, you are black, you are itallion, you are s american, you are irish…. We the People are ALL AMERICANS. Libtards are constantly trying to divide those that frighten then. Remember ONE thing- WE are many, they are few… everything they do now falls apart or gets mighty push back…. Stay strong. Keep yer antennas up and yer head down..

  15. I’m going to add one more giggle to the not so melted pot. When my co worker goes to Mexico he has to pay gringo prices. He’s like “look at me, listen to me, I’m Mexican”. “Not in those fancy clothes”. He was totally pissed. He is really 1st gen US and does speak like he’s from Mexico (when he’s speaking Spanish) but if he wants to not pay gringo prices he’s going to have to dress down next time.

    1. On that note, what makes a native Scotsman, or Frenchman? Having been born to one and have several generations of them going back, right? That would be about half the current population of the US wouldn’t it? I can trace an ancestor all the way back to the Mayflower. That would be 401 years worth of ancestors. More than half of the countries on Earth are younger than that…

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