It’s early in the morning. You hear a knock at your door.  You go down stairs to see what is going on.  You crack open the door to peek outside when suddenly the door is thrown into your face.

A Cadre of men in Jackboots, breeches, Schirmmütze style peaked caps, and grayish coats push their way into your home.

From polished black leather flap holsters on Sam Browne belts, they draw German made, single stack, 9mm pistols that use an obscure and high toleranced, non-Browning operating system.

They point the pistols at you while telling you that thaey are there because your neighbor denounced you.

You’re shocked and confused, still groggy from being woken up at the early hours and hit in the face with a door.

What in the world is going on?

What is happening?

Did you get sucked into some sort of time vortex?

Is this Berlin in 1938?


As your eyes regain focus everything suddenly becomes clear.

It’s still 2020, you live in New Jersey, and your neighbor saw you coming come from the gym without a mask on in your car.


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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “Where am I? When am I?”
  1. Damn…. That’s probably how it’ll go, too.

    Except the jackbooted men will be screaming conflicting orders. Some will be demanding you get on the ground, face down, with your hands behind your head (and don’t you DARE take your hands off your head to help yourself down!).

    Others will be demanding your identification, your medical history, if you ever tested positive for COVID, if you’re current on your other vaccinations, where your children are, where they go to school, who they play with, etc. (but still, don’t you DARE reach for your ID!).

    Still others will be demanding you to “Shut the F@#$ UP or I’ll F@#$ing put a F@#$ing bullet in your F@#$ing head!!” (because nothing says professionalism like screaming the F-word like a cocky 12-year-old).

    And they’ll all be yelling over each other to such an extent you won’t know who’s saying what or what they want.

    Like they’re speaking German, or something.

    (And Heaven help you if you answered the zero-dark-thirty knock armed, as if it’s your house with your family inside. Silly prole, what were you thinking?)

    1. That perhaps the one good thing about living in an anti-gun state. You can’t answer the door armed early AM.

  2. Blödsinn, pure Fiktion.
    There’s no such thing as a German made high toleranced non-Browning design single stack 9mm pistol.
    Way to suspend the disbelief.


  3. Ultimately you will be standing with your neighbors sayin “ wow shits goin down at THAT house”….
    Then casually stroll over to your truck n drive off..

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