“After the swine flu epidemic in 2009, a safety-equipment industry association and a federally sponsored task force both recommended that depleted supplies of N95 respirator masks […] be replenished by the stockpile.” The problem is that didn’t happen. According to Charles Johnson, president of the International Safety Equipment Association, about 100 million N95 respirator masks were used up during the swine flu pandemic of 2009-2010, but, he said was unaware of any “major effort to restore the stockpile to cover that drawdown.”

In short, even though the Obama administration was advised to replenish the national stockpile of the N95 respirator masks, they didn’t. Despite the fact the media traced the cause of the shortage back to 2009, they accuse Trump of poor planning and trying to deflect responsibility.

It’s Barack Obama’s Fault There’s a Shortage of N95 Respirator Masks

The Democrats left us “naked” in facing the virus, the Media knows it and puts the blame on Trump? If I was a very suspicious individual, i would have to say that certain segment of our political ensemble is willing to let people die and reap on the benefits while they are being protected by the “guardians of Truth”  busy trying to cover for their master’s fuck ups or evil intentions.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

One thought on “Where did the national Stockpile of N95 Respirator Masks go?”
  1. To Democrats Americans dying is a benefit. It benefits them in multiple ways. For one they can use the deaths as a political instrument to bash Trump over the head with to As a means to acquire more power because that’s literally all they care about and the more obvious reason being the Democrats just simply hate America, hate the American people and want the American people to all die. And it’s not just the Democrats want the extermination of every single white person in the country, every single registered Republican, every single person that voted for Trump or supports Trump, every single person that owns a gun. No, they want to literally exterminate every single solitary person that opposes the Democrats and there agenda or has a contrarian viewpoint in any way shape or form and their families.And if that means literally killing 90% of the United States population which is over 300 million people to them that’s That’s a wonderful necessary thing. To them what they really want is is the near complete extermination of the entire population of United States to completely destroy this country and rebuild it in their own liberal utopia.

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