Some News:

‘You can’t make this stuff up’: Outrage as eBay REMOVES listings for canceled Dr Seuss books ‘because they glorify violence’ but allows copies of Mein Kampf and Louis Farrakhan’s books to be sold

Outraged Americans are demanding to know why eBay has banned them from reselling the six ‘offensive’ Dr Seuss books that are being canceled when copies of Hitler’s Mein Kampf and Louis Farrakhan – whose anti-Semitic remarks are well known – are still available.

Ebay on Thursday started removing listings for the six Dr Seuss books that are no longer going to be produced. They emailed people who had listed the books, saying that the post violated their ‘offensive materials policy’.

The company has not released any kind of statement about it, nor have they responded to inquiries.

That’s not hard to figure out.

Dr. Seuss has been publicly canceled by the Left.

Louis Farrakhan is loved by Black Leftists, BLM, members of Congress like Ilhan Omar, and activists like Linda Sarsour.

Mein Kampf is one of the most popular books sold in the Middle East and is often quoted by radical Imams.

Lastly, it’s been made absolutely clear that the Left has no problem with, and often endorses anti-Semitism.

Then there is this:

YouTube Says ‘Risk Of Violence’ Is Still Too High To Lift Trump’s Ban

YouTube will eventually lift former President Donald Trump’s suspension, but the risk of violence remains too high to take any action for now, CEO Susan Wojcicki said Thursday, citing this week’s warnings from law enforcement about an extremist plot to breach the U.S. Capitol.

YouTube will lift Trump’s suspension “when we determine that the risk of violence has decreased,” Wojcicki said, and the company is monitoring law enforcement statements as well as activity on its site to track when it’s safe to let Trump back onto YouTube.

This includes Trump’s speech at CPAC.

If you think “when we determine that the risk of violence has decreased,” means “never,” you are probably 100% right.

This all came out yesterday.

We already know about Amazon Web Services dropping Parler and memory-holing a book critical of the transgender craze.

Amazon and eBay are the No. 1 and 3 internet retailers in America.

Google/Youtube is the largest search engine and video hosting site in the world..

These companies are functionally mega-monopolies and are engaged in aggressive censorship.

Once upon a time, this country would have broken up monopolies like this.

Today, since the monopolies benefit the party in power, they are going to stay.

Leftists who openly hate capitalism retort to complaints about this with a disingenuous defense of capitalism: “what you are, against capitalism, they are a private company if you don’t like it build your own Amazon.”  Except that is impossible when going up against a monopoly.  They know that which is why they say it.  That’s the point, they don’t need to ban anything by law when they let the monopolies that support them decide not to sell something

How did censorship come to America, slowly first, then all at once.

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “Where is good ol’ Teddy Roosevelt when you need him?”
  1. The Hegelian dialectic, and its adoption by the self-professed elite as their religion is the root of all of the bullshit we are facing.

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