Twitter is going ape-shit over the fact that Trump said the air in India is filthy:

Remember that history starts right after Trump says something true, so before they are deleted let me link to some news:

The Financial Times, December 10, 2018:

Dirty air: how India became the most polluted country on earth
With the situation worse than it ever was in neighbouring China the Modi government is struggling to introduce measures to combat the problem

Al Jazeera, March 5, 2019:

India has the world’s worst air pollution: report
India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and China are home to the 50 cities worldwide with the dirtiest air, new study shows.

CNN, February 25, 2020:

21 of the world’s 30 cities with the worst air pollution are in India

The New York Times, October 15, 2020:

What Happens When Covid-19 Meets Toxic Air? India Is About to Find Out
Every fall, air pollution spikes in India. Doctors worry what it will mean for coronavirus patients with breathing problems.

Just for fun, I’m going to post this video from The Guardian, about the Yamuna river in India.  One of the most polluted rivers in the world.  It is so polluted that it is dead, nothing lives in its toxic waters.


So, I’ll ask again, where is the lie?

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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “Where is the lie?”
    1. That’s precisely what the Twitter/Facebook/mainstream media censorship cabal is all about. Political Correctness enforced by making their opposition into non-persons.

  1. First axiom in action here people.

    On a side note. For some reason, this year I am getting e-mails from the Biden campaign, DNC, etc… As well as from the Trump campaign and various right side of the political aisle groups. It is interesting to see the contrast.

    Last night during the debate, the Trump side e-mailed saying that Trump was dominating, and that Joe Biden was playing catch up most of the time. On the other hand, the Dems e-mailed saying that Trump is doing nothing but spewing hate and lying, whereas, Joe is providing facts, and sharing well thought out plans that will save the country.

    To be honest, I really didn’t see either happen.

  2. Obviously Trump is using his Chinese and Russian contacts to ship American pollutants to India and releasing it.

  3. Yet another truth – and astounding idiocy on the left.

    Thankfully, I never had to go India, where my last employer outsourced software development, but a good friend of mine did. She said that as soon as the plane got on the ground at New Delhi and they started exchanging cabin air with the outside, the stench was overwhelming. When she got on the puddle jumper to her real destination, the stench never went away. She was aware of it for the whole week over there.

    But it’s just a paradise over there. They said so back in the ’60s, so it must be true.

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