Liberals like living in urban areas, within walking distance of shops and neighbors. Conservatives prefer the wide-open spaces outside the city that puts more distance between themselves and the next-closest house.
But once you’ve identified the state in which you want to live, who’s going to tell you which Zip codes are best for your ideological leanings? Leave that to the good folks at Clarity Campaign Labs.
via Where your ideology says you should live – The Washington Post.
It has some cute little app thingies in which you answer 5 questions and “BAM” it gives you the perfect location for you to live. After a couple of tries, I decided to go almost all Libtard answering the questions for Florida:
Miami Gardens, maybe the most bankrupt and violent zip code in all South Florida.
Holy crap, the app works!
Ha! It says that if I ever moved back to my home state, I should live in Freedom.
If I pick Pennsylvania, it says I should live near where I grew up
My top three for OK are Enid, Tulsa, and Stillwater.
You went full lib-tard, but said you attend religious services regularly?
What kind? Pagan? New-age/wiccan? Or did some lib-tard group start the oxymoronically-named Church of Atheism?
I cannot, for the life of me, get my town to come up. Must be too middle-of-the-road/centrist/diverse to be included.
Heh…. I described my leanings, and included “urban.” for Virginia.
I got Tangier Island in the middle of the Chesapeake.
Heh – I grew up there 40/50 years ago. Nice place to be from.
For the record, it was more of a multi-racial, working class neighborhood back then.
On the lib side it shows Dallas or Houston for me.
On the normal people side it shows Garden City or Doss, Tx.
I would be extremely happy with the Garden City area because I’ve been working on getting my wife to move out that way for years. I’m already in the lower level of hel… I mean Houston area.
Pretty close. Only missed by about 25 miles as the crow flies. Said I should live in Baker, FL. Actually live a bit closer to the coast.
In the entire State of Washington, the program put me only 30 miles from where I really live (the most politically conservative county in the western half of the state… Republicans run against Republicans, Dems rarely get on the ballot)