Ilahn Omar is so upset that there is talk about war with Iran that it’s giving her PTSD.  Never mind the soldiers who had their lilmbs blown off and witnessed their buddies killed by Iranian supplied EFPs, that’s nothing compared to Omar having to contemplate the enormity of enemy casualties.

She took to Twitter to explain how sanctions are killing Iranians.

Most rational people think that the problem lies in Iran.  They chose to spend the money on funding terrorism rather than the Iranian people.  But no, not Omar.

When asked why she supports BDS, the “S” stands for sanctions, against Israel, she said it was “very different”  because BDS “is a movement driven by the people.  The sanctions on Iran are sanctions that are being placed to create maximum pressure by a government. ”

It’s clear she wanted to say it’s different because it’s against the Jews but she has wised up enough to know not to say that on camera.

Her statement is bullshit because she introduced pro-BDS legislation in the House.  Which would, of course, make sanctions against Israel “maximum pressure by a government.”

That, by her own train of thought, would cause countless deaths in Israel.  But that’s what she wants, so thinking about dead Israelis isn’t going to give her PTSD.

By now it should be plain as day that she wants Jews to die.  I just hope Progressive Jews recognise that and stop supporting her.

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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “Wherein Omar admits that she wants to kill Jews”
  1. You know, I’m getting quite sick of this “countless deaths” phrase. It’s meant to imply a number so large it’s effectively infinite.

    In the first place, Iran’s population is somewhere between 80 and 100 million people. The deaths count can’t be greater than that. So, done.

    Said more honestly, the phrase could also be used to mean “an unknown number of deaths because they are a second-order result.” In that case, sure; but that’s the point … those deaths, as pointed out, are optional for the Iranian government; if they choose to not spend their resources taking care of their own people, that’s their decision.

    1. “optional” is a good way to look at it. For dictators, subjects dying isn’t a problem. Indeed, it’s something they often bring about in large numbers. Iran is a good example; other retarded Middle Eastern countries like Syria even more so.
      Only civilized countries care whether the citizens live or die.

  2. “They have already caused medical shortages and countless deaths in Iran.”

    Yes, “countless”, because they’ve never been counted. Never quantified.

    It’s never been done, because it doesn’t happen.

    There’s no preventable death that can be traced back to economic sanctions against Iran. The regime has plenty of money and other resources — sanctions notwithstanding — that it could be using to benefit their people.

    Instead, they choose to fund foreign terrorism against the U.S. and Israel instead.

    It should be noted that if they didn’t fund foreign terrorism … well … there would be no sanctions.

    Omar, of course, knows this, but it’s an *ahem* “inconvenient truth” she chooses not to acknowledge.

    As an aside, someone made the joke that the Democrat Party is suing Iran to obtain the rights to co-opt the phrase, “Death to America!”, as their new campaign slogan. When AOC, Ilhan Omar, and the rest of The Squad start talking, I start wondering if it’s really a joke.

    And no, I don’t believe the Progressive Jews are going to “get it”. They are Progressives first, Jews second (or not at all; it’s possibly just a victim card they try to play). They’ll load themselves into train cars before voting for anyone without a ‘D’ after their name.

  3. How have sanctions that exempt medical supplies caused shortages of medical supplies?

    Oh, right — because they prefer spending their money on missiles and a nuclear program.

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