Over 100,000 deaths by overdose in the first 12 months of the COVID Horror Theater.  From April 2020 to April 2021.

And if the death ratio has been maintained, another 51,000 deaths by OD are already in the books.

But my AR and the color of my skin are the ones causing death and destruction across the land right?

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “White Supremacists are the biggest threat to the country” and in other news…”
  1. The question that keeps getting asked very quietly but never gets any attention, nor answers: how much of that Fentanyl was produced in communist China? And how much of that was exported with the approval of the Chinese communist party?

    1. pkoning,

      All of the Fentanyl was produced in Communist China, or West Taiwan if you want to be politically correct.

      And a good portion of the meth. And all the precursor meth chemicals.

      All which were produced in Communist Chinese factories owned and/or controlled by members of the Chinese Communist party.

      Why isn’t this a reasonable cause for war?

  2. 64,000 of those dead are directly attributed to Fentanyl. 64,000 families destroyed by Addiction. Fentanyl produced in known CHINESE Pharmaceutical Labs, and mostly smuggled over the Mexican Border by Mexican Criminal Cartels.

  3. “White Supremacists are the biggest threat to the country” and in other news…’

    White Folks flooding the Ghetto with Heroin is an overused 1960’s movie trope used by everyone from “The God Father,” remember “Let the animals lose their souls,” to “Cotton Comes to Harlem,” and “Superfly.” Replace them with a Chinese Communist Party Approved Billionaire known as Benjamin Chen.


    F. Joe Biden is kowtowing to China and stripping our Strategic Oil Reserves to supply China with oil.

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