From the Washington Post:

Guns are white supremacy’s deadliest weapon. We must disarm hate.

The defining photograph of the attempted insurrection on Jan. 6 was that of a man strolling through the broken halls of our national Capitol, amid the smashed windows and assorted rubble of the failed coup, proudly brandishing a Confederate flag on his shoulder and hoping to overturn an election decided largely by Black voters. It’s an image that tells the story not only of Jan. 6 or of the Trump presidency, but also of all the steps that led to that moment — the whole history of hate in America captured in one frame.

Rubble?  There was rubble?

Also, failed coup?

Words don’t have meaning anymore.

I’ll grant that the optics of a man carrying a Confederate Flag through the Capitol were pretty bad, but these people were not there to simply take over our government by force and install themselves as our new leaders.  Our system doesn’t work like that.

For me, the echoes of that picture reverberated back nearly six years, to the day my mom — Ethel Lee Lance — was shot and killed while praying in Charleston’s Mother Emanuel Church along with eight other Black Americans, including two of my cousins and one of my close childhood friends.

The similarities between these two days don’t end there: Both days ended in deaths, both attacks were perpetrated (at least in part) by white supremacists chasing a lost cause, and tragically, the perpetrators of both incidents were carrying more than just flags. My mother’s killer was armed with a handgun; the Capitol insurrectionists were armed with enough live ammunition to shoot every member of the House and Senate five times.

But they didn’t.

As far as I am aware, the only shot fired was by law enforcement killing one of the people who entered the Capitol.

This deadly connection between white supremacy and guns runs throughout our history. In 1866, armed Confederate loyalists stormed the Louisiana Constitutional Convention, murdering 34 Black Americans in an attempt to block suffrage for freed slaves. In 1898, an armed White mob in Wilmington, N.C., proclaimed a “White Declaration of Independence,” then killed at least 60 residents before replacing the multiracial local government with white supremacists. In 1921, mobs of armed White residents of Tulsa attacked the Black neighborhood of Greenwood, murdering as many as 300 Tulsans for the crime of being Black and successful. In 1955, ­Emmett Till was tortured and shot in the head by White vigilantes. And today, mass shootings – from the church in Charleston to the supermarket in El Paso to the Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wis. — have been committed by white supremacists filled with hate and armed with a gun.

And it was Democrats and White Supremacists who wrote and enforced the laws that disarmed blacks.

Don’t bullshit me.

You know where the thesis of this is going.

That action must come first and foremost from our leaders, beginning with the Biden-Harris administration, but in truth the responsibility to advocate for gun safety extends to all of us.

Everybody gets disarmed.

We’re all white supremacists now.  That’s the message the media has been pushing.  Did you support Trump?  You’re a white supremacist.

Nevermind that we have record minority gun ownership, those people must have multiracial white supremacy.  

We are headed into dark times for gun control.  They will push the narrative that gun rights is a white supremacist position and anyone who advocates for gun rights will be unpersoned accordingly.

I honestly can’t see any anit-gun bill meeting any sort of serious resistance in the legislature.

This is going to suck.

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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “White Supremacy is the new buzzword to take way all of our rights”
  1. Too many on the right are still thinking that the old rules of voting, lobbying, and rules apply. I am tired of being laughed at when I point out that we have just seen a communist coup, even while the people laughing keep wondering why no one is playing by the rules any more.

  2. Wait … back up … Shoot every congressperson 5 times? 551 people, so, the protesters were carrying around 2755 rounds of ammo?

    Is this a new claim? I’ve never heard it before.

  3. They can pass whatever laws they want. Americans didn’t buy 21 million guns in 2020 to turn right back around and turn them in.

  4. Except that confederate flag guy was ID’ed, turns out he’s a hard core lefty and Biden supporter. So it was a staged event.

    1. A lot of people still don’t know that the only person who’s ever been photographed in the Congressional building carrying a Confederate flag was an Antifa member. For obvious reasons, the news aren’t interested in bringing the topic up, so the duty falls on us.

  5. Apparently I am going to lose my job at the company I’ve worked at for most of my adult life because I refuse to sign a false confession saying I’m a closeted white supremacist.

    Because of the company’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, you see, I have to admit that I’m a racist because I am a straight white male.

    1. Mouse, what company?
      Please, we need to stop holding back the names of the offenders when crimes against civilization like this are perpetrated. While there are a bunch of noisy people cheering this kind of abuse, a lot of decent people still remain and the bright light of publicity still works surprisingly well.
      Shame them publicly. Make their name and their bad acts well known and widely broadcast. If so, there’s a good chance they will back off.
      But if you suffer them silently and allow this evil to go unmentioned, they will win.

      There was a case like this a while ago, where a company put out such a racist policy on an internal training slide deck. Someone filmed it and posted the video, causing a major PR headache for the company. They ended up throwing the presenter under the bus and backtracked. I don’t remember which company; it was maybe 4-6 months ago.

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