When you trust scorpions, you get stung. And that goes quadruple when they figure you are an empty suit occasionally filled with enough bullshit to choke a manure truck.

In the meantime, besides the tepid social media posting, Women’s Rights organizations worldwide are pretty much mum about the rapid regression of quality of life for females in Afghanistan. And sure as hell we won’t see any of them “activists” jump in a plane and go stand next to her fellow females and demand they be respected.

Then again activism is hard when the “nice” consequence is being flogged in the local public square and the “not so nice” is being used as rock stopper for a stoning party.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Who did not see this coming?”
  1. What? Alyssa Milano isn’t flying to Kabul wearing a p*ssy hat and handmaiden’s tale habit?

    I’m shocked…. shocked I tell you.

  2. This was obvious from the start. And they said so when they spoke of “women’s right consistent with sharia law”. That’s islamobabble for “we’ll treat them as slaves, because what was good for the Prophet in the 7th century is good for us”.

  3. But… but… they promised Xiden that they would be more inclusive! A kinder, gentler Taliban!! OMG!!1!!1 /sarc

    Where is the “Me too” crowd? The “pussy-hat” patrol? The libtard feminists?


  4. There is an old adage that if it were not for the British, no one would have heard the name Gandhi.

    It is always easy to protest when you have 100% assurance that you will not be harmed or bothered in any significant way. A bit tougher when a death sentence awaits you for speaking up.

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