Like Miguel, I can’t take environmentalists seriously.

I have a hard time respecting the gravitas of people who feel the need to march around in a costume chanting like they are a member of a self-flagellating medieval religious order.

Or when they say “200 species go extinct every day, 120 from meat consumption.”  That’s 73,000 per year.  Name them.  Tell me what 200 species will go extinct today because I had sausage with my breakfast.

But no only that, is who these environmentalists targets that is so wrong.

As others have pointed out, Greta railed against the US and Europe but China puts out more CO2 and pollution than the US and EU combined.

One of the things that drives me nuts is when this same ideological blind spot is used when it comes to animal conservation.

This is the cover of this month’s National Geographic:

Wow, you terrible Americans, stop wiping out the White Rhino.

Except it’s not Americans wiping out the White Rhino.

Watch this:

That’s funny, but it’s also true.

What is wiping out the White Rhino, Bengal Tiger, and countless other species is wealthy Chinese, who despite a Western education, have a deep cultural belief in traditional Chinese medicine.

The White Rhino is being killed off, not by Americans on illicit safari, but African locals who cut off the horns and sell them to Chinese dot com millionaires to grind into powder and rub on their dicks.

I have never seen a single environmentalist ever go on a rant against wealthy Chinese and the species they are wiping out because of traditional medicine.

That would be condemned as “racist” in a heart beat.

Instead, they have to criticize lawful trophy hunting, which gives a financial incentive to protect these animals as a game species instead of poaching them for their horn.

When China is busy filling our skies with poison and filling our seas with garbage and plastic from their polluted rivers, it’s Americans who are bombarded with messages about needing to eat less meat and give up our drinking straws.

Until these people start addressing the worst polluters and not the polluters with the most privilege. we are going to get nowhere.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Why am am sick and tired of environmentalists”
  1. A couple of years ago I read a passing comment in an article about toy safety. It mentioned that Chinese consumer safety laws, which (theoretically) might prevent things like lead paint on toys, apply only to domestic sales. China apparently has no regulations against selling poisonous products to foreigners.
    So yes, there is pollution. And the fentanyl epidemic which appears to be in substantial part sourced from China. And today’s WSJ has an article about the current “deaths from vaping” surge, where if you read carefully between the lines you once again can see China involved.

    The Cult of Warmism is quite a comical thing, like other apocalyptic cults. We’ve had “only 12 years left before the Earth falls apart” claims ever since the cult started 40-ish years ago. The WSJ just reprinted one, from 2004, an article from some British rag claiming DOD had suppressed a report that low lying cities would be underwater while at the same time England would be freezing in Siberian-style weather, all by 2020. (I guess they watched The Day After Tomorrow and mistook it for a documentary, rather than a silly disaster comedy which is actually rather entertaining to watch if you understand that.)

  2. They’re not going to go after China for the same reason they never went after the Soviets, or the Russians after them: you don’t bite the hand that feeds you.

  3. First of all, it is not about the climate, environment, or whatever. It is about control, and about theft.

    Second thing is that they will not actually confront the people who are the worst offenders because those people will not listen (at best), or arrest you and torture you for the rest of your lives. (Worst case.)

    There is a thought that Ghandi would not be a household name if it were not for the British. Had any number of other countries occupied India, Ghandi would have been locked up and executed almost immediately.

    And, if little Greta von pointyfinger were to go to China and pull the stunt she pulled in the US, she would likely never see home again.

  4. I like to think about environmentalists as I open the throttle on my truck’s 5.7 liter V8 and listen to that divine roar.

  5. Back in the late 80’s, it became quite obvious to the world that Socialism was never ever going to fulfill it’s promise to make the lives of working men better. So, they switched to environmentalism and climate alarmism.

  6. First off, “200 species go extinct every day, 120 from meat consumption.” seems like they’d have to be considering insects and smaller life forms. Bacteria? I still doubt it.

    Second off, if you want to ensure that an animal survives forever – breeding and passing down their genes – make sure they’re edible. Animals we eat become farmed, not extinct. Cruel? Not compared to nature, “red in tooth and claw.” Again, 120 a day from meat consumption? 43,800 per year? Must be bugs that are trying to eat the animals first. I’d be surprised if there’s more than one vertebrate in there.

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