Because some fat stupid cowardly fuck of a cop goes onto the wrong piece pf property and kills a family pet.
Then the other cowardly fucks investigate and decide the fat stupid fuck didn’t do anything wrong.
Ive come to believe that if a cop goes to the wrong address and pulls a gun, he should be treated by both the homeowner and the law as just another armed trespasser.
If someone shot a cop who went onto their property and killed their dog, I’d nullify that jury in a heartbeat.
Looks like this one was about 4 yrs ago but it is definitely part of a trend.
This person demonstrated restraint that I suspect quite a few people would not have.
Something tells me we’re only a few more of these kinds of incidents from citizens practicing prophylactic self defense.
These make my blood boil. I’m right there with ya, I’d acquit. File that away for later ya NSA fucks.