Yesterday morning I wrote a post: Jews, get out of Blue bubbles and buy guns. The intersectional crowd hates you and wants you dead.

Barely 12 hours later this happened:

5 people stabbed during Hanukkah party at rabbi’s home in New York, suspect arrested

Five people were stabbed Saturday night at a rabbi’s home in Monsey, New York, and a suspect was later arrested in New York City, police said.

Ramapo Police Chief Brad Weidel said a man armed with a blade attacked around 10 p.m., on the seventh night of Hanukkah. The attacker, identified as 37-year-old Thomas Grafton, was arrested by the New York City police department nearly two hours later in the Harlem section of Manhattan, NBC New York reported.

Michael Specht, supervisor of the town of Ramapo, which provides government services to Monsey, said the attack took place during a Hanukkah celebration at the home of Rabbi Chaim L. Rottenberg, next to a synagogue. Monsey is an enclave of ultra-Orthodox Jews about 35 miles from New York City.

The site reported the suspect was wearing a scarf over his face and, after stabbing five and being chased from the home, tried to get into the synagogue but was blocked by people inside who had barricaded the door. The victims, according to the organization, were Hasidic Jews.

This is the suspect:

Anybody noticing a pattern here?

After yesterday, the entire observant Jewish community of the upper Acela corridor should be headed south or west in U-Hauls.

For those Jews who have chosen to stay, if you are in New York City, you are simply fucked.  Sorry.  The Progressives who run that hell-hole have disarmed you and want you to die.

For those who live outside New York City, there is good news:  You do not need a permit to purchase or own a long gun.

Go to a sporting goods store and buy yourself a shotgun.  The venerable Remington 870 is made right there, upstate in Ilion, New York.  A standard 18-inch Express model is only a couple of hundred bucks and loaded with 00 Buckshot will work just fine at stopping any asshole who wants to do you harm.  Wherever a handful of Jews congregate, one of you should have a scatter-cannon nearby.

You can work on getting carry permits later, protect yourselves in your homes and Shuls now.

Understand this, the government of New York does not give a fuck about you.

New York Attorney General Letitia James sent out the most pathic of platitude Tweets.

This is the woman who ran on taking down the NRA with a dubious investigation, investigating Donald Trump for purely partisan reasons, and bail and criminal justice reform that turned jail cells into revolving doors increasing crime.

Even those accused of hate crimes – as long as those hate crimes are against Jews and not committed by white supremacists – as reported by the New York Post:

Bail reform is setting suspects free after string of anti-Semitic attacks

Suspects arrested in last week’s spree of eight anti-Semitic attacks are being quickly released right back into the neighborhoods they terrorized thanks to “bail reform” legislation — which doesn’t even take effect until Jan. 1.

The most recent case of revolving-door justice came Saturday morning, with the release, with no bail, of a woman charged with punching and cursing at three Orthodox women, ages 22, 26 and 31, in Crown Heights, Brooklyn at dawn the day before.

Yeah, “I stand with the Jewish community” my ass.

The situation is not going to get any better because the city and state government let it get this bad by ignoring the rise of non-white supremacist anti-Semitic violence.  They are not going to put this genie back in the bottle with feigned outrage Tweets and releasing the people who attack Jews out on their own recognizance.

What also harms the situation is Leftists and Leftist Jews refusing to acknowledge reality.

Really?  Trump is causing the attacks on the Orthodox in New York?  Not the Progressives who attack “gentrification” on a daily basis and criticize the Jews for buying property adjacent to black communities?



Yeah, the motive for a guy entering a Rabbi’s home and stabbing people with a machete is “massively complicated.”  He hates Jews.  This is just a Leftist trying to deal with the cognitive dissonance of “minorities can’t be racist” and “anti-Semitism is racism” so is trying to rationalize the attack as something other than what it is.


No, this is Cuomo’s New York and de Blasio’s New York City.

Of course, the real victims here are not the Jews that were stabbed, but the Leftist Jews being called out for their bullshit.

No, this isn’t the blood libel.

Klion deserves all the shit in the known universe to be thrown at him because he said that the police should not serve as protection for the Jewish community because it terrorizes black people, right before a black man committed an act of domestic terrorism at a Synagogue with a machete.

If there is any good news, it is that going through the #Monsey on Twitter, it seems that there is a growing backlash against this intersectional horse-shit.

That after this many attacks on Jews in a row, they just can’t we hand-waved away with woke thought-terminating cliches.  It seems that only the most die-hard Leftists can stick to the message.

Then there is this stupidity:

It most certainly fucking is.  If the problem is that someone is trying to kill you, disabling their body through either the ballistic disruption of their central nervous or cardiovascular system is a very effective solution.

I’m not a professional historian, but I play one on the Internet, and I’m sure that shooting 4.3 million Germans was a pretty effective solution to the Nazi problem.

Once again, it is time to pull a quote from Robert A. Heinlein:

“Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Nations and peoples who forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and freedoms.”

It’s time that American Jews start settling the issue of attacks on Jews with violence.

Get out of the Blue Bubbles or get guns, and leave the Progressives behind.


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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “Why are you Jews not listening to me? Put your stuff on a truck now.”
  1. 8 years of obammys “America is racist “ shiite helped get it going followed by the dems “white men suk” campaign is fueling these attacks. And people who dont “feel” a gun is a good idea make themselves victims. Sad.

  2. “Shooting people isn’t the solution and it never will be.”

    The contrast with what happed at a Baptist Church in Texas is illuminating. Armed parishioners, at the risk of their lives, shot the gunman DRT. Problem solved. Unfortunately one person died and another is fighting for his life, but that particular asshole won’t hurt anyone else, ever.

  3. Um. Yeah. About that whole moving thing. Please, please, please, only move if you actually have learned that socialism and leftist doctrine is deadly to you and yours, and you will make sure that where you move to never ever becomes a socialist-leftists poophole like the places you are leaving.

    We in Free America are willing to welcome you with open arms. But only if you don’t immediately turn around and vote for the very laws and politicians that you left.

    Please learn from the evil places you are coming from, and strive always to never allow what has happened this last week to happen again where you move to.

    Seriously. Stop supporting communists, leftists, socialists, anti-zionists, palestinian apologists and everyone else who hates you and yours.

    Better yet…

    Stay where you are. Get your head out of a certain place on your body. Organize and vote against the laws and politicians that have allowed this to occur. Quit supporting, both monetarily, politically and socially, the very people who wish you to never have existed.

    Either join us in Free America as free Americans, or take back your Fallen America and turn it back into Free America.

    But whatever you do, please don’t continue to support and create Fallen America with you in your values, your politics and your voting records. Please.

  4. No.

    Stay and Fight. Just like the Jews in Israel. Defend yourselves. Defend your neighbors. Defend your right to Live Free and in Peace.

    Do not let blue cities become Judenrein.

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