Video supposedly from Brazil. Defensive shooting.

Being hyper attentive 24/7 is an impossibility. It is tiresome and soon enough you get bored til you decided to ignore the whole thing.  But small deep scans of your surroundings and paying attention to uncommon noises will give you something very important: Time to react and produce a defensive counterattack.

Amazing how equality of the sexes is so easily achieved with a small mechanical device, isn’t?

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Why awareness is important.”
  1. Amazing how equality of the sexes is so easily achieved with a small mechanical device, isn’t?

    And said devices are ergonomically designed and feature a user-friendly point-and-click interface, which with a little practice just about anyone can use proficiently! Even Grandma!

    For some reason, as we applaud her awareness and preparedness, Democrats and Feminazis (but I repeat myself) would rather that young lady be abducted, raped, and strangled with her own panties, than successfully defend herself with that firearm.

    And somehow we’re the misogynistic haters. Right.

    1. Oh, come on! Don’t be hyperbolic! Leftists don’t care whose panties she’s strangled with, just so long as they can take and hold onto power!

  2. That looks a lot more like an attempted hit than an attempted abduction. Abductors don’t usually use motorcycles, and she seemed to react extremely quickly, almost as if she was expecting an attempt. I’d say she’d been getting credible death threats (cop? judge? drug kingpin?) and was ready for them.

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