Sex fiend gets ‘sweet’ deal from Manhattan DA Bragg on teen rape charge — then attacks 5 others: sources

A man accused of raping his teenage relative secured a sweetheart plea deal from Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg — and then went on to allegedly sexually terrorize five people in the Bronx just a month later, The Post has learned.

Justin Washington, 25, was promised a plum 30-day jail sentence, along with five years of probation, after he agreed in August to plead down to a charge of coercion in his Manhattan rape case.

But just a week before he was set to be sentenced Wednesday, Washington allegedly went on a sex-crime spree, attacking four women and a man near the homeless shelter where he was living in the Bronx.

After finding out about the Sept. 15 arrest, prosecutors with the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office said they were reconsidering the sentence recommended with the plea deal — which some cops said should never have been offered in the first place.

So he rapes a family member.

He’s arrested, charged, and pleas to 30 days.

Then before he’s sentenced he goes on another sex assault and rape spree.

And the prosecutor only considers changing the original plea deal.

Washington allegedly burst into a 49-year-old woman’s apartment in the same building and attempted to rape her, court records say.

He pushed the woman down on her bed, pulled up her nightgown, climbed on top of her and masturbated as he asked, “Can I get a dollar?,” prosecutors alleged.

As the sicko pushed the woman’s legs apart and smelled them, she bit his hand, scratched him and then whacked him in the head with a hammer, court records say.

A gun is more effective than a hammer.

She should have had and used a gun.

Washington allegedly crept up the fire escape of a building on Davidson Avenue and began banging on the apartment window of a 26-year-old woman, who was at home with her 9-month-old son at the time, according to prosecutors and sources.

When the woman opened her curtains, she saw Washington masturbating on her fire escape, prosecutors alleged.

The 26-year-old woman who caught Washington allegedly masturbating on her fire escape said Thursday the incident left her “shaken up” but Bragg’s decision to give him a plea deal before it happened is just part Big Apple life these days.

“I’m not surprised that he was out on the streets,” she told The Post.

“Isn’t that what they do?”


Read that last part again.

People in NYC just accept that rapists are let out and go on to commit more sex crimes because the prosecutor doesn’t do shit.

That’s not how it should work.

That is an urban hellscape.

New Yorkers need guns because the city doesn’t protect them from rapists.  They need the ability to protect themselves.

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “Why Bruen is so important for NYC: Rapist plea deals”
  1. “The 26-year-old woman who caught Washington allegedly masturbating on her fire escape said Thursday the incident left her “shaken up” but Bragg’s decision to give him a plea deal before it happened is just part Big Apple life these days.

    “I’m not surprised that he was out on the streets,” she told The Post.

    “Isn’t that what they do?””

    And likely she votes D and will continue voting D because ‘orange man bad’.

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