And in the latest faux outrage to claim Jim Crow Electoral strategies by Republicans:

Florida Republicans are considering a bill that would effectively make it a crime to give voters food or drink, including water, within 150 feet of polling places.

According to the text of an elections bill introduced last week, state law currently prohibits offering voters assistance within 100 feet of polling locations; H.B. 7041 proposes expanding that zone to 150 feet and includes a prohibition on giving “any item” to voters or “interacting or attempting to interact” with voters within that zone.

We discussed the Senate version on an earlier post. This is the House version which covers more. And as usual don’t tust the assholes in the Media and read the bill yourself

HB 7041 – Elections

General Bill by Public Integrity & Elections Committee and Ingoglia
Elections: Revises provisions relating to voter registration applications, voter registration, elections and terms of county commissioners, ballots, voting systems, duplicate copies of ballots, audits, reports, vote-by-mail ballots, canvassing board duties, certain notifications, voter signatures, secure drop boxes, and penalties.

Read the text.

Allow me to save you some time since it is a long bill. Here is a screenshot of the offending part.


Notice something? It says nothing about providing food or water to a voter. What they cannot do is solicit an elector on how he or she should vote.   So yes, you can pass food and water as long as it is not done under the color or a particular political party. If the water bottle is stamped with a candidate’s name or you are wearing colors for a party while engaging in the “acts of good” then it is considered soliciting.

And the second part: There is already in the law and for years a stablished distance of 100 feet from the polls where you cannot solicit. So please explain to me how you can survive without water within 100 feet but at 101 feet you will drop dead of dehydration.

There is all that national coverage about the Georgia Voting bill and I guess our intrepid journos have the need to make up BS so they don’t feel left behind.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Why do people think the Media is full of lying scum? Dying of thirst and hunger while voting.”
  1. What this would have prevented, had this been passed in NV for decades: the BUSLOADS (Greyhound) of Harry Reid voters with their sack lunches and swag in hand lining up to vote en espanol during lunch break from the hotel/casinos. En espanol because not a one spoke a word of english the entire time they stood in line to vote. Witnessed personally.

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