The government of Ecuador is Socialist and led by President Lenín Moreno. It is in the Left’s DNA to lie as not to show the world the absolute failure od Socialism and Communism and Mr. Lenín Moreno abides to that principle.

This is the official record of the Covid 19 Virus effects on Ecuador as of today:

Now, I hope you were able to stomach the posts I made last night (Guayaquil, Ecuador #1 and Guayaquil, Ecuador #2) and you can clearly see that 191 deaths are obvious;y an under-count by just watching the videos coming out of just the city of Guayaquil.  However, the truth is coming out of their own mouths after  having to go and fix the dystopian reality on the city:

Wated says they’ve already collected all the bodies in Guayaquil: more than 1,300 in a week
The Government of Ecuador said on Monday to have collected all the bodies that were in homes in Guayaquil and that this task is delayed today within 12 hours of the notification of the relatives to the authorities.

“There are no longer cases behind,” said Efe Jorge Wated, head of the Joint Task Force (FTC) for the crisis in Guayaquil, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak in Ecuador, which has been in the last week the scene of a severe accumulation of corpses.

Wated stated that since the start of the situation, on Monday last week, the Army special force “has collected some 500 bodies from the homes” and “handed over some 480 death certificates that has allowed private funeral homes to move and bury faster.” (Translated by browser)

Colapso sanitario en Guayaquil: retiran unos 500 cuerpos de las viviendas

There is an old Spanish saying: “No se puede tapar el sol con un dedo” – “You can’t blot out the sun with a finger” which means the truth, no matter how you try to cover it, will eventually out. In the case of Ecuador, truth is spilling all over the place and straight to the mass graves.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.