Not seen in the American news:

Synagogue vandalized during protests over George Floyd’s death
Anti-Israel graffiti found on one of Los Angeles’ oldest synagogues on the same day as mass protests over police killing of man in custody.

Anti-Israel graffiti found on one of Los Angeles’ oldest synagogues on the same day as mass protests over police killing of man in custody.

The graffiti was found on the wall of Congregation Beth Israel, one of the oldest synagogues in Los Angeles, in the Fairfax District and read “F-Israel, Free Palestine.”

There there was this political cartoon that went around BLM groups:

What does Israel have to do with the Minneapolis Police Department?

What does Israeli security against Palestinian terrorists have to do with an abusive cop in an American city?

What does a synagogue in Los Angeles in the US have to do with either Palestine or the murder of George Floyd in Minnesota?

Absolutely nothing.

Unless you are a Leftist who belives in intersectionality and has a heart filled with Antisemitism.

Then in your twisted, Jew-hating mind, you believe that Jews = Israel = IDF = MPD = BAD and BLM = Palestinian Terrorists = GOOD.

This protest was just another excuse to let out more of that seething anti-Zionist, Jew-hate that the Left is filled with.



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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “Why I don’t support Leftsits and BLM – they never miss a change to show their Jew hatred”
  1. Yet the socialist/ANTIFA types will say they detest the Israeli government but they’re not Anti-semites, until they vandalize a synagogue or roust the Jooos from religious services, to “save” them from the WuFlu,

    1. Whenever they claim this quote MLK at them since he unequivocally stated anti Zionism is the same as anti-Semitism. The only ones who get a free pass are ultra orthodox Jews who oppose Israel on the grounds that only Moshiach can create a Jewish state

      1. I wouldn’t be so quick with that free pass. Were you referring to Neturei Karta? They seem to be active supporters of “palestinian” terrorism.
        I first learned about them from Dean Ing’s excellent novel “Soft targets”, one of many excellent works of his. Imagine my surprise when I discovered they actually exist.

        1. They are a weird cult. Israel won’t let the enter after they got together with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for the Iranian Holocaust Cartoon Competition.

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