Because we don’t want Redneck “Vigilantes” stopping stuff like this:
We need to respect the local interactions between Thugs and the Elderly. It may look like a strong arm robbery to the uninitiated tourist from Down South, but in NYC is just a routine dance in which the superior male collects its government-allowed tribute from inhabitants of the city.
The Mayor of New York City cannot allow that somebody with a concealed weapons permit from outside the state would place two slugs inside the head of that “Fee Collector” and allowing the elderly gent to keep his property.
end sarcasm/
Hat tip Michael M.
I don’t know which is worse, the scumbag thug doing the assault and robbery or the scumbag coward with the camera.
Bernie Goetz is my spirit animal.
That’s just part of the vibrant fabric of the city. No need to mess with it.