There seems to be a sort of global thing going on today with the group called Extinction Rebellion. Apparently they are preaching the end of the world if we do not forsake our Capitalist way and go back to simple living.  Although there has been some very minor demonstrations in other countries, the bulk of the display has been in London. The want to raise shit, go for it.

You cannot start the revolution in an empty stomach. Le’s get us some Mc Muffins first.

“Don’t call us clowns! We are serious!”

And why I advocate the Clue By Four: You may have a complain and the right to protest, but do not impede access to a hospital for any reason at all.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Why not only I can’t take “enviromentalists” seriously, but sometimes they need a Clue by Four.”
  1. My own experience with enviro-nazis goes like this:

    Prior to 2005, I used to live in a more urban setting. I had a 50 year old 1000sq. foot Cape Cod style house on a .2 acre city lot. The area had lots of nice old trees, meaning an annual leaf cleanup. One fall day, while blowing leaves into a big pile for pickup, this little girl (meaning 18-24, not 15 like Little Greta-Puppet) was walking by and decides to come onto MY PROPERTY to scold me for using an evil gas powered leaf blower. I shut it off and decided to discuss the terms at which I would agree to be more environmentally responsible. I told her that for the entire year, I used about 4 gallons of gasoline and maybe a quart of 2-stroke oil to maintain my yard, at a cost of about $12. I told her this was her chance to prove she was on-board with me no longer using my leaf blower; I offered her $25 cash (twice what it would normally cost) to use my rakes and she was more than welcome to manually rake my yard all season as needed. As the anger started to show on her face, I also said I would provide all the drinking water she would need, as well as feed her a meal if she was there working long enough. As you have guessed, she was not only NOT on board, but I got the usual libtard two-handed one-finger salute and profanity laced tirade. That is when I told her how disappointed I was about her not putting her money where her mouth is, and that she had no right to come onto my property to tell me how to live. I suggested she hastily leave before she won the silver bracelet award from the local PD. She stomped away still yelling her crap, but I could no longer hear her with my ear muffs on and the leaf blower screaming.

  2. First time I saw the Extinction Rebellion symbol, my first thought was, “you can rearrange it, but it’s still a swastika”.

  3. All the “climate primates” all drive or fly to their protests. Remember the hippies out west protesting fracking with the need gas sign?? I think I woulda chased her outta the yard with the leaf blower. Im trying to start a new nation wide “climate protest”- earth day I shoot trees. Try it, its large fun!!

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