Most of the looters and rioters arrested by the NYPD over the past several days are immediately released as a direct result of New York’s new bail-reform law, New York City police chief Terrence Monahan told the New York Post on Tuesday.
While the city police made over 650 arrests on Monday night alone, Monahan said that “just about all of them” will be released without bail.
“We had some arrests in Brooklyn where they had guns, [and] hopefully [Brooklyn district attorney] Eric Gonzalez will keep them in, [but] I can’t guarantee that’ll happen,” Monahan said. “But when it comes to a burglary [at] a commercial store, which is looting, they’re back out. . . . Because of bail reform, you’re back out on the street the next day. You cannot be held on any sort of bail. I spoke to [Manhattan district attorney] Cy Vance about that, he told me there’s nothing he can do.”

Police Chief: Arrested Looters in NYC Are Immediately Released Because of Bail-Reform Law

We have covered the Reform Bail and related idiocies enough se we do not need to rehash them.

These last couple of days I have been watching live TV from NYC and L.A. from local stations streaming via Youtube. Mostly video from helicopters, but you can tell the officer’s heart is not in it for simply violation of curfew or “petty” stuff. LAPD had a arrest round up that looked more like cattle management than actually police operation: Block a street full of violators, order them to lay down, flexcuff them and ship them out on buses. And you know this will only last till the protesters figure out they can simply push pass the cops and run away.  But in NYC, it was past midnight and people were still marching around like there was no curfew and only a few cops along the way, something that probably in the future will not be ignored by looters.

The only positive they have going right now id that these things do have an expiration date and people simply stop attending them. And in this particular case with the alleged killer of George Floyd arrested and announcement that the three remaining fired officers will also face charges, there is little for other than agitators to keep shouting: “No Justice, No Peace.”

We shall see.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Why NYC is the place to watch for more looting?”
  1. Let. It. Burn.

    When the smoke clears at NYC & if they finally have had enough DemonKKKrat b.s., can address that with Reichsführer Cuomo & Gauführer de Blasio.

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