This is from a Q&A session about COVID and “misinformation” that was held in Memphis last Saturday:

( Pulmonary and critical care doctor at Sumner Regional Medical Center Dr. Jason) Martin said his hospital is seeing an increase in ICU patients once again.
“There’s gonna be some loss of life that is unavoidable, but now we know what to do,” Martin said. “We know what to do. We know to wear masks if you’re unvaccinated or in tight quarters. We know the vaccine is safe, efficacious and it’s free. So what we need is messaging from the top that’s consistent. We don’t need our top vaccine officer fired in the middle of a global pandemic.”

Dr. Michelle Fiscus in Memphis: Talks vaccines, accurate information (

Dude back there is Dr. Jason Martin.

Oh shit! They are taking pictures. Hurry and put on the masks!”

This hypocrisy is yet another reason why people do not care what the “experts” have to say.  They are close enough, not respecting social distancing and the faces are uncovered. I imagine they are vaccinated (maybe) so they feel safe, but they have no issue telling the little people they must follow the rules they created so their lives are spared from this evil and deadly pandemic, but yet they cannot muster enough self control to even hold themselves to the standard for a short time conference.

So, my official stance on this COVID vaccine goes as follows:

  • Vaccinate if you want.
  • Do not vaccinate if you don’t want.
  • Wear mask if you want to.
  • Do not wear a mask if you don’t want to.
  • Screw the “experts.”

That is all, continue as you were.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Why people are not taking seriously this new round for COVID Theater Of Fear.”
  1. Except sometimes your employer forces things on you because so call experts say so. We gotta wear F’in masks again…

  2. Chicago just allowed lollapallooza music festival to go on w/ 100k+ attendees. Nothing on the news about it and it will not be blamed for any ‘super spreading’ of the BS.

    At the same time, the mayor (who showed up to the concert maskless) is pushing for more restrictions for schools due to covid.

  3. BTW, Memphis’ The Commercial Appeal is the newspaper that published a searchable database of the names, addresses of the entirety TN HCP (handgun carry permit) holders.

  4. My son is in that camp. He is avoiding me because he disagrees with my opinion on COVID and thinks that I should be obeying the mask and quarantine orders. The funny part is that he and his fiance, both in health care, don’t obey them. She even caught COVID because she was out at a bar with an infected coworker.
    They are both firmly in the “so as we say, not as we do” camp.

  5. Vaccinate if you want.
    Do not vaccinate if you don’t want.
    Wear mask if you want to.
    Do not wear a mask if you don’t want to.
    Screw the “experts.”
    Keep calm and carry on reloading if you want to.


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