This is retconning.  They are trying to retroactively make themselves in the right, no matter how wrong they once were.  I do not doubt my sanity.  I see that they are trying to pull the wool over my eyes and I refuse to let them get away with it.

The anti-Trump media retconning the Coronacrisis is pure ChiCom boot licking evil

We are about to start seeing the worse of the pandemic. If anybody paid attention to the President’s Sunday press conference and did not recoiled at the 100,000 possible deaths coming, you haven’t been paying attention.

Yes, it is better than the expected 2 million deaths by “doing nothing, let it ride” strategy proposed by some or “ignore it, it is just racism” politically applauded by Anti Trump politicians, but still means that 100,000 fellow Americans will not be alive to see Christmas this year because we were lied by the Chinese Government and the threat washed down by the Media.

We went on a decade-long war against those who killed 3,000 of our own in 9-11. What do you think the American People will demand 100,000 corpses because of Wuhan Virus? Nuking the Chinese Politburo is going to be one of the petitions and I cannot say I don’t understand it, but the responsible bastards will simply hide away. China will require a long term internal destabilizing operation till this government falls and they are executed in the most gruesome and public manner.

But then the targeting will be aimed inside our borders and we are going to look for those who strayed us wrong. Have you notice nobody even remembers we had a little thing called Impeachment Proceedings?  From December 18, 2019 to February 5 and after, there was nothing more important in the world than getting Trump out while the Chinese virus was making its way across Wuhan and then the world.  And of course, the use of the Race Card could not be forgotten.

Eric Carter, associate professor of geography and global health at Macalester College in St. Paul, Minn., has previously cautioned against “targeting foreign nationals for increased scrutiny in the name of public health,” arguing in a 2016 article for the Migration Policy Institute that while public health concerns have historically been used to justify discriminatory immigration policies, evidence shows that travel restrictions “tend to have little impact on the spread of infectious disease.”

Still, he warned that “it wouldn’t be surprising if the effect of this new policy was somewhat discriminatory.” 

We live in a time where there is rising xenophobia and nationalism, and governments might feel more comfortable taking extreme measures to exclude foreigners under the pretext of a public health emergency,” Carter said.  (bold are mine)

As coronavirus epidemic spreads, Trump administration’s new travel ban hits China and beyond, prompting worries

So what we have is a bunch of members of the Opposition, Intelligentsa and Media who are scared shitless and fear there will be a humongous backslash because their partisanship may have helped cause 100,000 deaths so they need to do a full MinTruth and change the Narrative so they do not end up in front of a firing squad (virtual or otherwise) and Trump is defeated in November.

And let’s face it: When it comes to assign blame, it is easier to say “Trump” than “The treasonous fucks on the Left and the Media.”

It is up to us to challenge them.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Why Retconning? Sheer unadulterated fear.”
  1. “So what we have is a bunch of members of the Opposition, Intelligentsia and Media who are scared shitless and fear there will be a humongous backslash…”

    Good. These egotistical a-holes have been writing checks their bodies won’t be able to cash, and Karma is a very harsh mistress.

  2. From what I can tell, the effects of this disease is not going to be anywhere as bad as estimated. And, I certainly hope I am 100% correct on this. If the US sees 10-12K dead from covid-19, I would be surprised. (IANAD warning…)

    However, the news media, the politicians, etc… all have a vested interest in keeping the population panicked. The worse the news, the more eyeballs they will get on screens, feeding more panic. The more panic, the more authoritarian and draconian measures can be imposed on the population. (In fact, my governor used the threat of imposing more draconian measures as a way to ensure the little people stay in line.)

    And, the news/politicians has a vested interest in hiding the fact that they were wrong to begin with. They need to pretend that they were not working off a faulty study with overly inflated numbers without checking it. They will not actually admit that this disease was no where near as deadly as they made it out to be.
    No, instead they will pretend that hunkering down is how the disease was beaten. That they were the ones that actually saved the human race.

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