So the fuck what?

We were told January 6th was an armed insurrection, except nobody who stormed the building was carrying a gun and the only person shot was a protester, and she was shot by law enforcement.

We were told a Capitol Police Officer was bludgeoned to death with a fire extinguisher, except he wasn’t and now they have no idea what is causing of death was.

Guns have been flying off the shelves and manufacturers can’t keep up with the ammo demand for the last year.

If this was a premeditated insurrection to kill the federal government, overturn the election, and reinstall Trump as Imperaror for Life, you’d think the “insurrectionists” would have brought enough guns and ammo to actually do the job they came there to do and the death tool would have been much higher.

Except that never happened.

But the narrative of that Trump lead a pre-planned insurrection to do precisely that.

This hearing will change exactly zero minds.  The narrative will be bolstered.

Everyone’s minds are already made up.

So why the fuck should Ted Cruz pay attention?  I hope he’s enjoying his game of Candy Crush or whatever.


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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “Why should Cruz bother?”
  1. Wow, hard hitting journamalism from the 11th Hour @ MSLSD. Riveting. /sarc

    The whole country, not to mention the world, is being %#$@ed into oblivion by a senile old fool illegally elected to the WH & the leftard woke’ites but what the hell you dumbass journos… let’s find out why Ted Cruz is looking as his $%#@!ng cel phone. RME & SMH

  2. Heaven forbid Ted Cruz have an urgent family issue he’s checking up on during lulls in the hearings he’s required to attend.

    No, it must be because he’s disrespecting the process and disregarding the “witnesses”, like a Nazi.

    I’m going to have a permanent indentation in my table for the number of times I’ve had to *headdesk*.

  3. Mr. Biden has been in the WH for, what? a month?

    Lessee what he’s accomplished:
    Texas: ice armegeddon
    Gas: price up circa 40%
    Congress: still irrelevant
    Supreme Court: irrelevant, and striving to crush whatever shadow of relevance remains.
    Freedom of speech: Nope. Already eloquently covered elsewhere in this blog

    Soap box? Nope
    Jury box? Nope
    Ballot box? Nope.

    Weren’t there FOUR boxes?

    Whatever might be that last box?

    If only there was a fourth box….

    1. Hm, that brings up a scary thought. Is the fourth box empty by bad luck and supply chain limitations, or is it because of enemy action?

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