No concealed carry permit holder that I’m aware of has ever shot a minority citizen for demanding equality or equal status.

This is why they have to push the narrative that “[criminal] was shot for walking while black,” or some other similar type statement.

They cannot acknowledge that most of these shoots are good shoots because these people do not want to live in a polite society.

They want to live in a society of anarcho-tryanny where thugs and criminals can commit crimes unmolested and law abiding citizen cower in fear, defenseless.

So they beatify every criminal so that the narrative turns into a poor minority killed for wanted to be an equal person instead of a criminal choosing the wrong target.

The homeless vagrant on the subway isn’t demanding equality.  He’s robbing you with the threat of violence.


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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “Why they have to beatify every criminal”
  1. a “polite society” in which weapons allow you to dominate others and kill them if they insist on their status as equal persons
    WTF? Right now advantage goes to the strong and violent — if a monstrous thug decides to make a woman his victim, he wins. Give her a pistol, and suddenly she can “insist on [her] status as [an] equal person”.
    These people are insane. They like seeing people get beaten, pushed in front of trains, raped, gunned down — if they didn’t, they wouldn’t focus their efforts on punishing the innocent.

  2. “they want a “polite society” in which weapons allow you to dominate others and kill them if they insist on their status as equal persons.”
    Projection. Pure projection. Their mindset is 100% race/class/sex discrimination based, and they assume everyone else is as well. If they were to have a gun and/or carry permit, they would have fantasies about killing people that they do not like, so they assume you do too.

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