Miami Dade County is not under lock-down. People have been given the chance to behave like adults and for the most part, it has been happening that way.
But never underestimate the stupid.

I get it, you are non-essential, you were sent home, the county closed the bars and night clubs so you need to paaaartay!

MIAMI – Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos A. Gimenez didn’t like what he was seeing on social media and when he caught wind of a flier circulating inviting boaters to a “sandbar party” at Haulover Inlet that was the last straw.

Late Saturday evening, he issued a statement announcing a shutdown of boat ramps and marinas.

Gimenez is closing all boat ramps at Miami-Dade County parks immediately until further notice. Commercial fisherman who provide food for restaurants and markets will be allowed, but pleasure boaters will not.

WATCH: Drone video captures hundreds of boaters partying in midst of coronavirus crisis (Video)

Not everybody in Miami has a boat for getting drunk and stupid. In fact I know that a good share of people have boats, not very luxurious at all, which they use to go out and  obtain extra source of very fresh protein for their families. Probably one or two residents of our sunny county were ready to set out to sea to legally catch fishies to stock their freezers for the upcoming days in case of a mandatory quarantine.

Now and thanks to the assholes that need to suck a bottle of Bacardi amongst a bunch of equally idiots, the regular guy is condemned to stay tied to the marina unless he spends the big bucks to get a commercial fishing license and the crap it comes with.

Generation Participation Trophy strikes again.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

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