By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

23 thoughts on “Why we own guns…. because they want you dead”
  1. if you kill all the white people, who’s going to feed, clothe, and house you? who’s going to keep everything running and working the way it’s supposed to? tough choice. white people or go back to living in grass huts and banging on logs for entertainment

  2. I have no desire for a race war, but you’d think that a group that makes up 13% of the population wouldn’t be calling for one.

    1. Especially since 40-50% of the U.S. population owns firearms. While there is some overlap between the 13% and the 40-50%, they’re outnumbered by at least a factor of two — and that low number is assuming: 1. all black people own guns (perfect overlap), 2. all black people will be involved in the “white genocide” (zero dissent), and 3. only 40% of whites own guns (and not 50% or more). In practice, it’s probably more like a factor of eight or ten.

      Then when one considers the disparity in which types of firearms each group chooses, one will find that the black people who make up the bulk of these “activist” groups own handguns and rarely practice with them, while white people own a wide variety of firearms … including millions of rifles capable of dropping man-sized targets with single shots, from distances they’ll never see the shooter.

      And then those same white people practice making those shots, and each year ~16 million attempt to fill their freezers with venison that way.

      All in all, if the public school systems still taught math and probability, and if these “activists” understood the difference between “gun culture” and “thug culture”, they would dramatically re-think their odds.

  3. you’d think that a group that makes up 13% of the population wouldn’t be calling for one

    The entire 13% doesn’t feel this way — these people in the video do not speak for the entire 13%. By thinking of a racial group as a superorganism you are making the biological and moral mistake of collectivism. Each human’s hands are controlled only by that human’s brain. Humans are not ants, and biologically cannot have collective guilt because they are not a collective organism.

    1. Social media seems to encourage the worst of the worst. Don’t judge any group based on social media. Or just don’t just any group, as you suggested.

    2. Where’s the part of the 13% that doesn’t feel this way? Why aren’t they speaking out? I see very few that do. The ones that do are excoriated for it by the rest. And then there’s the large amount of people outside of that 13% that are aiding and abetting them. So we’re talking a sizable amount of people here…

      1. Where’s the part of the [racial/religious/cultural/geographic/family tribal group] that doesn’t feel this way? Why aren’t they speaking out? I see very few that do.

        You can substitute any tribal group into that statement, it’s the common human experience: Catholics and pedophile church officials. White American politicians. Mainstream media journalists. Soccer moms. Homeless people.

        The ones that do are excoriated for it by the rest.

        That’s why they aren’t speaking out.

        And then there’s the large amount of people outside of that 13% that are aiding and abetting them.

        What, by paying taxes which hire bad people to levy War against you, or by adhering to your Enemies and giving them Aid and Comfort? Yes, you law-abiding government-obeyers do that, and there’s a name for that crime. So stop it already.

      2. A fraction are aiding and abetting; another fraction (and one I think is by far the largest) have been intimidated into silence.

      3. What pkoning said. I imagine it’s a similar situation to the issue of “moderate Muslims” versus the jihadists.

        To whit: If the jihadists are a tiny (but loud) minority among Muslims, why aren’t the vast majority coming out against them?

        While it’s possible the majority quietly support the jihadists, it’s also possible the silent majority fears them enough to keep silent; as much as the jihadists hate us infidels, they tolerate apostates even less.

    3. I know that all, or even most, black people don’t feel this way.

      However, in race wars, those sorts of distinctions don’t ever get made.

      The Nazis killed millions of Jews even as German and Polish factory owners complained about the Nazis wiping out their Jewish skilled labor force.

      There was no distinction between good and bad Tutsis in Rwanda.

      The Turks killed millions of Armenians.

      What makes you think an American race war would be any different. Nobody from either side will ask “are you one of the good black/white people who believe this?” It will simply be a slaughter.

      These people are putting the black people who don’t agree with them at risk. The fact that overall, blacks are a minority with 13% representation, means that if these people get the race war they want, they will be horribly outnumbered.

    4. Yes, not ALL ___ feel this way, but when the vocal minority can openly espouse a position of extermination of any other racial/religious/political group, that causes understandable concern.

      However, if a member of the targeted group were to express the mirror of the same statement, there would be outrage.

  4. And people express amazement at how bad the racial divide has gotten in the last twenty to thirty years, and wonder how it could have happened. When this attitude has been taught (and deviation from it punished) by the schools, media, and the Left at large for the entirety of my life I’m only surprised it hasn’t already spilled over into widespread bloodshed. The number of people I would swear were completely rational and “good people” who have gone completely overboard with this crap is insane. I mean “South Africa’s mistake with Apartheid was that they were too soft” and “every time” meme levels of insane that I’ve seen and heard from college-age kids whose reaction to all the propaganda shoved down their throats was to go in the extreme opposite direction because it’s the ONLY opposition they heard to any of it. And I’m not talking rural white kids.

    Friends I made while I was in the military (white, black, south american, Asian, pacific islanders, Jewish and Hindu) have all been l noticing the same thing. When the Jewish kid in college started posting the damn “every time” meme on a Soros article on farcebook I choked on my drink. And yes, he knew what it was. He had a war in the comments with his aunt over it. I’ve seen J.kb starting to be more open with the hating the way leftist Jews have become the face of Judaism, but he’s still a few years behind on how open these kids are, and they haven’t limited themselves to the overt left. The number of memes they direct at what they’ve called the “slimy right” like Shapiro makes Vox Day look like Trotsky.

  5. As far as threats go out there, I feel racists like the person above aren’t very prolific. Or any racists really. I just don’t see a lot of racism out there, despite what the MSM is pushing on a daily basis. Sure there are some groups out there BLM, etc., what was the one all black militia, the NFAC? Haven’t seen them since Louisville KY last summer.

    Point being, aside from the fringe elements, the only people pushing race on a daily basis are white leftists. And that’s part of their plan to gain control – start class and race conflicts to divide the population.

    When it comes to any threat, they get dealt with the same way regardless of color.

    1. “…I just don’t see a lot of racism out there,…”

      Neither do the MSM, BLM, or any of the other race baiters. That is why “systemic racism” and “institutionalized racism” was invented. They could point to a surprising small number of actual racist incidents. Instead, they choose to lie with statistics, or point out the exception to disprove the rule.

      If this guy calling for white genocide was pressed to identify any single racist incident he was the victim of, I would bet he couldn’t. Even if he could point to an argument or not getting a promotion, I have no doubt there were reasons other than his skin for it.

  6. Listen to the way that guy talks. How many times does he say “bitch/bitches”? Practically incoherent.

    And, I am supposed to reject my white culture/heritage and adopt that? Seriously?

    1. Even if you do, you’ll just be guilty of “cultural appropriation” instead, which is just as bad. At the end of the day, you’re still a white guy, so you’re automatically the villain.

      Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

  7. He’s just talking about how he supports the unofficial official policy of the current Democrat party.

    It’s not a matter of if a Global genocide happens in next decade it’s a matter of where, when and how many. I personally believe it will be in the billions.

  8. It may or may not start… IF it does I think it will be short and ones like this will get thier ass handed to em and it will go away. 2022 elections will say alot. Time will tell

  9. RE: “you’d think that a group that makes up 13% of the population wouldn’t be calling for one”

    “The entire 13% doesn’t feel this way — these people in the video do not speak for the entire 13%.”

    I suspect the clamor is coming from a quite small fraction of that 13% but a much larger cohort than you think agree silently with it.

    As for advocating a “race war” I do not doubt that the entire 13% will experience deleterious efffects if it comes to shooting. Just like papa-san and mama-san in the rice paddies, there’s no way to tell who or which will shoot you in the back or determine just whom is supporting the other side with food or direct aid, so the safest bet is kill them all upon first encounter.

    I wish it weren’t so, but that seems to to be where we are now.

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