By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Why would anybody take horse medicine? ..wait.. what?”
  1. There is an international medicinal body that recommends Ivermectin, forgot the name.

    A week ago or so there even was a reportage on state owned TV talking about a clinic in Munich that uses Ivermectin. No talk about rednecks drinking horse dewormer but about a proven and safe medication that can be used to take the strain from hospitals.

    Maybe there’s hope?

    Or maybe theiy slowly try and shift the narrative so that everyone is buying Pfizer-brand Ivermectin 😀

    1. “Or maybe theiy slowly try and shift the narrative so that everyone is buying Pfizer-brand Ivermectin”


      One of the big pharma companies is rolling out a COVID treatment drug. If I remember correctly, it is based on Ivermectin. Altered enough so it is a new drug, but still based on the cheap generic drug that is well known.

      Additionally, it cannot be HCQ in any form because Trump said that had promise. So, Ivermectin it is.

  2. The only reason Ivermectin was vilified by the media/left is because trump talked about it. Just like the 180 they did over vaccines.

    1. The difference between a tin foil reflector beanie conspiracy theory and reality is about six months. Especially when it comes to this virus.

  3. Simply check the KungFlu cases in Africa, the countries using Clotshots versus countries using Ivermectin.

  4. Lots going on behind the scenes here. That doctor didn’t just wake up and decide to do a study; studies are expensive. Someone paid for that study, and it wasn’t Vanderbilt. The MSM has been harshly critical of Ivermectin in the past, but this story doesn’t reflect that and has a totally different tone and feel. Older stories would include a learned guy or gal in a white coat emphasizing that “while IM has promise, the needle is the only approved and effective drug”. Not this time. It was emphasized in the story that the participant had been double-vaxxed, yet still got Covid earlier this month. The doctor did the interview seemingly without any fear of reprisal from Vanderbilt or her state licensing board or anyone else. I didn’t sense any fear on her part. Just another days work for her. Totally routine.

    Oh, yeah. Something has happened and things are beginning to change. The narrative is beginning to shift. And I’ll predict right now that anyone reading this will soon see this interview on their local market TV station. I can’t begin to guess why this might be happening.

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