Yu guys remember super edgy and coolest governor EVAH! Mario Cuomo putting down Floridians.

And then Karma pays a visit:


And cops officially are in IDGAF/FIDO mode.

Remember, the intelligentsia insists we crackers and Dumb Cubans (Hispanics) and Ugly Hattians should strive to make out South Florida more like New York city.
Sorry, we rather take a hurricane than become a shithole.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Why would we go to New York?”
    1. Mario is dead, he passed in 2015.
      This is his eldest son, Andrew Cuomo, AKA Cuomo the Lesser. The governor of the State of New York that as policy, forced Nursing homes to take in Chinese Coronavirus patients, and these facilities were not even allowed to test them to see if these new residents were sick. The death toll from this policy in NY Nursing Homes was at least 5,000, and may be over 10,000 people.

      These Cuomo’s are not to be confused with his youngest son, Chris Cuomo, the audience ratings starved CNN Commentator known for saying really stupid shtuff. Chris is more popularly known as Fredo Cuomo, and has been known to say, “I’m Smart! Not Dumb like everybody says! I deserve some respect!”

  1. Back in the ’80s, B.G. (before Giuliani) I lived just outside Philadelphia. I had no desire to visit NYC, I have even less now.

    1. 100% Clearance Rate?

      You should do it like the folks in Chicago, a 12.2% clearance rate. I bet about ten percent of the twelve percent are where the murderer is still standing over the body as the police officers show up.

  2. Jesus Christ. Was that a hit, or was the guy just thinking ‘fuck it, I wanna shoot some body’?

    Either one is horrifying.

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