There are a couple of products we can only get at our local Sam’s Club which means a trip once a month. We are not fans of chips and also, they are fattening as hell, but since they are conveniently located in the way out, I kinda started to pay attention to the offerings out of boredom and I have been constantly surprised by the offerings.
Let’s begin with: It is the season, can’t you tell? Stop it!
Call me old fashioned, but I like original colors better. This? I don’t know if eating them or use them as decorating mulch.
Pizza flavored chips are nothing new, but my wife asked a significant question: “Why deep-dish pizza? Does it taste more of bread than actual sauce and toppings?”
She has a point.
Perverted food choice… I mean “diversity and inclusive “…?
Yeah … Go check out how those flavors are applied and what they’re made of. Mrs B knows a guy who worked in a chip factory … apparently hazmat suits with respirators are involved when decanting the flavoring powder.