From Oregon Governor Kate Brown:

KOIN reports:

Feds to leave Portland; plan includes OSP in downtown

Governor Brown said federal officers will be leaving Portland by Thursday at the latest.

She tweeted the news early Wednesday morning.

“After my discussions with VP Pence and others, the federal government has agreed to withdraw federal officers from Portland. They have acted as an occupying force & brought violence. Starting tomorrow, all Customs and Border Protection & ICE officers will leave downtown Portland,” she said.

The deal requires the Oregon State Police to provide security for federal property.  The OSP is under the purview of the governor who clearly supports Antifa.

In the Utopian world of the Left, with the feds gone, everything will be peaceful.

In Conservativeland, this will be taken as a victory by Antifa who will only destroy more because they can get away with it.

I suspect that the mob will go at it twice as hard because the mob has been told that it won the standoff.

The next few night will tell who right.



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By J. Kb

30 thoughts on “Will this be the end of Portland?”
  1. Portlandia, much as NYC, has been under DemonKKKrat control far too long and it’s degeneration into a progtard urban shithole is thus unrecoverable.

    In the immortal words of Ellen Ripley, nuke the entire site from orbit.
    Let. It. Burn.

  2. What are the penalties and consequences for Portland’s leadership if OSP don’t do their jobs?

  3. “They have acted as an occupying force & brought violence.”

    She couldn’t just leave it at announcing the agreement — she had to turn it into a condemnation.

    It’s absolutely a victory for ANTIFA.

    1. Well, yes. And since she’s an Antifa supporter she couldn’t just leave it as a plain announcement.

  4. Hope the feds are loading hot tonight. No beanbags and tear gas but copper jacketed lead.
    I’ll bet that tonight’s attack will be worse than any previous. The mob will see this as their last chance to kill them.

    1. No, the media will point the finger at the Feds for abandoning the city.

      Haven’t you been paying attention?

      1. As if anyone believes the media anymore. Even my liberal friends know they’re full of crap.

        1. Won’t matter. They’ll still blame the Feds.

          The leftist cries out in pain as he strikes you.

        2. “As if anyone believes the media anymore. Even my liberal friends know they’re full of crap.”

          Problem is they think, or at least claim, the media is right wing. Along with twitter and facebook too…. somehow.

  5. Pence (Trump) bends the knee. I assume the Federal Court House will be ashes and rubble in no more than 2 days. Any bets on how long the rest of the federal property in OR lasts? Clearly this will not end the riots, it will only whet their appetite for more “victories.” What happened to Trump’s balls?

    1. Consider this a tactical sacrifice. The feds pull out. Antifa leaves nothing but ashes and rubble.

      Trump can say “look, we were the only thing standing in between the mob and total destruction, the Democrats who said they could control the mob can’t and mob burned everything to the ground. Vote for us or they will burn you next.”

  6. I’m hoping they used the time they were holding the building to move all the evidence stored in it to another location, and to remove or backup all the files.

  7. As I said on my own blog, Trump has surrendered. The agents begin leaving tomorrow. The real damage will come this weekend, IMO.

    1. On the other hand, federal LEOs “winning” against Antifa in Portland would be a Pyrrhic victory. Sure, you save the courthouse, but at what cost?

      The media would start shouting about the federal Gestapo rounding up “peaceful protesters” by the thousands (because the riots are “a myth”), and Democrats in the U.S. House would hold their hearings into the “civil rights violations” and bog down the elections process, and just enough low-information voters will believe it all.

      I agree that the real damage will come this weekend. The OSP will be under the same RoEs as Portland police (per Our Glorious Governor’s orders) and won’t be able to defend s@#$, use crowd control techniques or munitions, or arrest violent rioters (which meet the very definition of “domestic terrorists”, in both Webster’s Dictionary AND 18 U.S.C. 2331[5]). They’ll be sitting ducks.

      Yes, Trump has surrendered on this, for now. As much as that sucks, it’s the best strategic move, long term. The low-information voters won’t believe that BLM/Antifa are the bad guys until they see it with their own eyes, with no other plausible explanations … which will not happen unless and until federal LEOs are pulled out.

      Elections have consequences, and sometimes the most eye-opening thing you can do is to leave the people to face the consequences of their actions.

      1. Trump is playing right into the US Army’s insurgency manual. One of the things that insurgents need to do is get the government to stop supplying necessary services, so that the public has to rely on the insurgents for those services.

        So abandoning the city makes the Federal government look weak. This only encourages their behavior and strengthens the insurgency. The violence will move to other cities as the movement gains momentum.

        1. So what? If they destroy D sinkholes, no problem. If they move into places inhabited by real Americans, they’ll end up dead.

          1. Do you think that the rest of the world will sit on its hands and let Americans sort it out?

            An American civil war may well kick off WW3.

  8. I am not convinced Trump surrendered. If anything, Trump has demonstrated that he plays a longer game than the opposition does.

    You damn well know that the Mayor and the Governor will allow the mob to destroy the building. And, likely other Federal buildings as well. And, Trump is probably OK with that.

    The City of Portland, and the State of Oregon might think they won, but when Federal Grant in Aid program funding gets severely slashed, or Federal programs (read that as school and housing funding) are sent elsewhere, they will be in a situation where they have to find that funding themselves, or cancel the programs.

    And, what are the odds that a dedicated leftist like Wheeler will try to cut a handout?

    This is not surrender. It is a strategic yielding of ground in order to execute the move that ends the battle.

    I hope.

    1. I’m thinking the same.
      The communists in charge are claiming the troubles are the fault of the Feds being on scene. So Trump is calling their bluff. If the rioting continues, he’s proven right. If the buildings are destroyed, the same only more so. And in that case, he can prove that the destruction happened because the OR authorities wanted them to happen, and issued orders to state/local LEO to make it so.
      He can take that all the way to the election. And then at some point, build another court house in Bend. Or Baker City. Or Cour d’Arlene ID.

  9. I hope the feds removed any records and other valuable items from the buildings before they left, otherwise it’s ALL gonna be gone.

  10. It’s going to get to a point where regular citizens start treating these rioters like Ralph peters said we should treat Isis:

    “The only way you deal with Islamic State — these bloodthirsty, blood-drunken terrorists — is to kill them, keep on killing them, until you kill the last one, then you kill his pet goat“

    I would word it differently: The only way you deal with antifa — these violent terrorists — is to kill them and you keep on killing them and killing them and killing, until you kill the last one, then you kill there funders.”

    And make no mistake. The far left views us as subhuman animals in need of extermination. They do not and would not have any problem with killing anyone who opposes them If they had the ability and power to. Because after all you know they hate America, hate the American people. They want America destroyed and they want the American people wiped out. To them carpet bombing United States citizens to the polls them including nuclear carpet bombing is acceptable. They literally believe the deaths of 300 million United States citizens is not only morally justified but necessary.

  11. Here are some facts:

    “On press call, Wolf all but eliminates third option: repeats, twice, that DHS personnel currently in Portland “will remain there” until DHS is confident that OSP has secured the Hatfield courthouse.”

    Governor and wishful fool Kate Brown thinks the Feds will pull out, because HEY! We gave Rose City Antifa what they want, now they will all go home. She may even have gotten some back channel promises of the same. Sucker!!!

    Like those above said, Portland will be a warzone tonight. All the rioters and wanna-be rioters are going to be downtown at the old courthouse tonight. The Oregon State Police are going to be handling crowd control.

    IMO: The OSP are either going to really hammer the rioters to break the victory beliefs, or they are going to get their butts kicked. My money is on the rioters, because Kate Brown will neither give OSP enough men and resources, or the right ROE to control the rioters. The feds will sally out to save the OSP asses tonight.

    Wednesday, Thursday and maybe Friday Nights will be a continuing shitshow, as Governor Brown realizes she was had, and slowly adds more people to get control of the rioters. In turn, the rioters takeout their rage on the rest of downtown Portland the next few nights. It gets uglier in Portland.

    All the while, in the Background, Trump and Pence are reminding her that she is failing, and Trump can invoke the Insurrection Acts.

    —-This is where Minnesota Governor Walz was immediately after the George Floyd Riots in Minneapolis and Saint Paul. After the Complete Shitshow of 3 days of looting, burning, and arson on Friday May 29, he had no choice. The rioters had almost overrun a second MPD Precinct House. He called out the ENTIRE FREAKING MN NATIONAL GUARD on Saturday May 30.

    1. Why did Governor Walz call out the entire MN NG? Because if he didn’t, Trump was sending the Federal Troops he had waiting at the base airfields, and he was going to bring all the National Guard too.

      Watching Portland from here in Minnesota, I think it will be Deja Vu all over again.

  12. Portland continued:

    Governor Katie finally either gives up to Trump, or calls out most of the Oregon NG, and maybe the neighboring states NG too. Finally, with enough manpower from the NG, and the NG and OSP Leadership calling the shots, the rioters get stopped. Just like Minneapolis Minnesota.

    They find the mobs, surround them with overwhelming numbers of NG and police. Tell them to literally STFD and STFU. Then each and every mob member is taken into custody one by one, ID’d, fingerprinted, and cited. Humiliatingly treated like sheep. They may only get 10-20% or so, but that is enough.

    Their fun and games over with, as the hard reality of arrest sinks in, the rioters finally STAY FREAKING HOME!!!

  13. Screw it. Leave, and never come back. Pay for nothing.

    Then, as I read (I think here), they can travel to another state to conduct federal business. All those fools arrested by the Feds? They get tried in Texas. Getting Audited by the IRS? Be prepared to travel and secure a hotel room.

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