There’s new concern about low heating oil inventory in the Northeastern U.S.

Oil is the number one source of home heating in the region. The U.S. Department of Energy reported diesel and heating oil inventories are 60% below average in New England.

Lower supplies stem from a variety of factors including the war in Ukraine, which continues to disrupt energy supply chains worldwide.

However, an active hurricane season may also play a part.

“If a hurricane comes through the golf coast and requires all those workers in the refineries to wait until the storm finishes and repair the refinery that will have an effect on supply chains,” said Matt Cota with the Vermont Fuel Dealers Association.

U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm is calling a meeting of northeast governors to discuss the fuel oil situation after labor day. she’s also urging states to do all they can, to “shore up” supply.

Vermont’s natural gas, whose price is regulated, is also rising, up 10% this month.

How low fuel inventories could impact our region. (mynbc5.com)

I have to say this concern is new for me. I read about this a couple of days ago and told the missus about it. She was smart to already order the next refills at a decent price (actually a buck plus the last time we refilled in the middle of Winter) and that should keep us nice and toasty for the upcoming ball freezing season.

But the lie of blaming the war in Ukraine for shortages is getting rather old and smelly. Shutting down the oil production for Green Shit and Politics is your culprit. And how bad it is going to be? This line was what should make you think hard about prepping:

U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm is calling a meeting of northeast governors to discuss the fuel oil situation after labor day. she’s also urging states to do all they can, to “shore up” supply.

This is what the energy experts call a big effing hint.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Winter’s coming and cold homes are on the menu.”
  1. Hey, if you just get an electric car you can laugh at all those high prices. Oh wait ,can’t heat your house with a Tesla? Just set it on fire.

  2. Still $2+ more than this time last year here.

    This winter is going to crush a lot of families if it is cold.

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