My prediction is that they will get bolder in their doings, at least till the New Admin decides they are no longer useful, which I doubt.

And whatever happens to you at their hands, you had it coming because you are (insert excusing qualifier here) and cannot be afforded mercy because of Social Justice.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “With temperatures warming up, they are coming back out.”
  1. I wonder if anyone makes a brush guard for a Tesla Cybertruck yet.

    Don’t laugh … In the 3-motor variant it’s supposed to have decent range and towing capacity. Toss a Honda generator in the back and it’s a take-alomg hybrid. 🙂

    Plus, think of all those green accessories that can be electrically powered … “cat toy” lasers, electric chainsaws, miniature railguns…

    1. Ah, green accessories… back when my ’02 Prius was new, I was threatening to install a pop-up mil-surp plasma cannon in the trunk, powered off the traction battery.
      (Yes, I know there’s no such thing as a mil-surp plasma cannon, but if I’d had more time on my hands it would have made for a fun bogus web presentation, showing in great and spurious detail how it was done.)

      1. I don’t know much about these devices, but I know there’s such a thing as a plasma cutter. Could that be modified for your purposes?
        A railgun does sound neat. And what about a short range EMP generator? A radar set from some old airplane, hooked to a modest horn antenna, would cause some interesting problems for consumer grade electronics up ahead a short way. A nice device for dealing with Antifa propaganda video makers. 🙂

        1. A real-life plasma cutter is strictly a short-range proposition. What I want is more sci-fi… contemplate a PPG from Babylon 5, scaled up by a factor of several. Fires high-intensity plasma blobs.
          (I actually have a concept for such a thing, kicking around the back of my head the past many years, but I’m pretty sure the effective range in any sort of atmosphere would be laughable. Might be good for plinking at soda cans in vacuum, but I doubt I’d have the opportunity.)
          Portable EMP generator, yes, that could have its uses. Hmmmm… hey, didn’t Thunderbird 1 have a dingus for zapping cameras, way back in the 60s?

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