The CIA has always been borderline evil, but truth be told it’s a rough world out there and we need an organization to do some real underhanded goon type shit out there on our behalf.

If saving American lives meant smuggling some Soviet officer across the iron curtain and covering up his war crimes, destabilizing some Communist South American nation, or applying electrodes to some terrorist’s testicles, that’s the cost of doing business.

The evil that I never expected from the CIA was for it to go Woke.

What the fuck is this shit?

Even going American’s LSD to try and turn them into brainwashed spies was not as bad as this.

We are going to lose all of our strategic and tactical intelligence around the world because we’re cheering on some “girl boss” over identity politics.


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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “Woke CIA is the worst CIA”
  1. This is what you get when your leadership structure is filled with career politicians rather than patriots.

    There also seems to be a kind of Maxwell’s Demon gating effect going on. The ranks, in all Executive Branch bureaus and agencies, seem to fill up with politically biased, career Dems during Dem administrations, but don’t empty back out near as fast when the Repubs are in. I wonder what’s up with that.

  2. There was a reason the CIA could only operate outside the US, and couldn’t investigate US Citizens. It was called the Constitution, and Truman and Donovan knew that activities that needed doing wouldn’t pass Constitutional muster, if done on US soil or to US Citizens. Now nobody cares, the CIA, along with the rest of the deep state, has gone woke. If you ain’t woke you’re a threat to democracy. QED,

  3. Sad thing is its a small minority of idiots doing this and THEY command ALL the attention…….

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