This came across my internet feed from Wired.

I remember when Wired was a magazine about tech and tech culture.

Now it publishes reviews of genocidal fiction.

A Glimpse of a Future Without White People
Mohsin Hamid’s The Last White Man is a book about race metamorphosis—and the seduction of power.

WHITENESS IS A seduction. Whiteness is also an illusion. These are the twin motifs on which Pakistani writer Mohsin Hamid props up The Last White Man, his new novel about race metamorphosis and human morality. Anchored in the bare and elegiac prose Hamid has made his trademark style, the book springboards from a single unexplained incident. Anders, a white man, awakens one morning to a new reality: his skin has “turned a deep and undeniable brown.”

The transformation, of which Anders’ is the first—but not the only, and certainly not the last—elicits worthy exploration. What if whiteness were suddenly gone? Would the social order of life come undone? Would anything change? Where Hamid lands doesn’t exactly persuade.

WHITENESS IS A seduction. Whiteness is also an illusion. These are the twin motifs on which Pakistani writer Mohsin Hamid props up The Last White Man, his new novel about race metamorphosis and human morality. Anchored in the bare and elegiac prose Hamid has made his trademark style, the book springboards from a single unexplained incident. Anders, a white man, awakens one morning to a new reality: his skin has “turned a deep and undeniable brown.”

The transformation, of which Anders’ is the first—but not the only, and certainly not the last—elicits worthy exploration. What if whiteness were suddenly gone? Would the social order of life come undone? Would anything change? Where Hamid lands doesn’t exactly persuade.

It’s understandable why those who benefit from a particular standing would do anything to preserve it. The conscious seduction of power, of understanding the privileges from which one benefits and the life it affords, is, in part, about the necessity of control. I’d probably be upset and a little sad if I lost all of that, too.

Whiteness physically recedes but it never vanishes completely. It has a psychological grip; lest we forget, identity is more than a badge of flesh. The newly “dark people” of Hamid’s epic appear to embrace different outlooks but, really, what has happened is more of a costume swap than an adjustment of the soul. The characters operate in a kind of cultural drag, entombed in an unrecognizable self, a sort of living elegy of their former whiteness. What was once marked as difference is not understood anew; instead, they continue to see through white eyes, in spite of their brown skin.

First, let’s take stock that this is a book of which the premises is: let’s eliminate white people.  And understand exactly how ugly that is.

But more than that, this is the essence of race essentialism.  It is the belief that everything about a person or people is derived from their race.

If you took a personal raised in a certain culture and changed their skin color, race essentialists would believe that their culture changed.

That seems unlikely to me.

Making middle-class white people brown wouldn’t make them abandon their middle-class values, but this book postulates that it will.

Ironically, the perfect example of this us from the author’s own culture.

Chechen Muslims are, by definition, Caucasian.  They are very white.  Muslims from Indonesia are Asian.  There are more common cultural norms between those groups of different races than there are between Chechen Muslims and Eastern Orthodox Christians of Southern Russia, who are their neighbors.  Skin color has little to do with it, but culture and religion do.

But to the Left, eliminate white skin and all the cultural norms of “whiteness” vanish.  If it’s not absolute genocide, it’s cultural genocide.

This should be horrific by any standards, but for the Left, as long as it’s white people’s identity bring exterminated, it’s good.

If someone from Stormfront wrote a book about how every black person in America woke up white and all of a sudden the violence and crime in America’s cities dried up overnight and utopia was achieved, I don’t think that would get published and lauded on book review sites.

The Left are bigots and they hate you for who you are and what they believe your race dictates about you.

But they think they are your moral betters for it.

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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “Woke Leni Riefenstahl fan fiction”
  1. Interesting to see that most liberals are fukkin WHITE.. it would be utopia if THEY disappear…. America is slowly awakening ..

  2. Hm. My skin color varies considerably over the course of a typical year. Doesn’t change who I am, nor the neighbors’ attitudes toward me.

  3. Liberals seem to forget that a certain NAZI leader declared muslims true “Aryans” and even supported the creation of a muslim SS unit. This was because the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was promoting a jihad against the Jews in Palestine.

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