Read this Tweet from Matthew Yglesias:

As you read that botched prose, dripping with elitist condescension, remember that Matt Yglesias went to Harvard.

Growing up around kids who wanted to go to Harvard, everyone talked about being worried that they wouldn’t get into Harvard. The goal was acceptance.

Because once you were in, no matter how much you sucked, you weren’t getting tossed out.  Nobody flunks out of Harvard.

Also remember that Matt’s dad is a famous novelist.

So when Matt here feels it is his noblesse oblige to speak slowly and in small words to the rest of us, he graduated from a school it I’d impossible to flunk out of and was accepted to because of daddy’s fame.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Wording is important”
  1. So he’s functionally illiterate, but dumps on Trump for speaking in straightforward English?
    He also conveniently ignores the fact that you have to use simpler language nowadays because the schools have been destroyed by leftist policies. In other words, Trump’s language level is just about appropriate for a typical high school graduate. Not quite low enough for the typical Harvard graduate, though, judging by this guy’s tweet.

  2. Anyone else remember “In Living Color”, and the guy who used a lot of big words (usually incorrectly) to make himself look educated?

  3. I love seeing the leftists use the Flesch-Kincaid test as a way to demonstrate that their Presidents are so much smarter than the average Republican. Which clearly indicates they do not have any idea whatsoever what the test really measures.

    It is not a test to see how smart you are. It is a test to see how wide of an audience you can reach. The test measures things like word length, number of syllables, sentence length, etc… to determine how difficult it is for someone to understand the text. Getting ranked at a lower grade level has nothing to do with your intelligence. It just demonstrates that you have a better ability to get your message across to a wider audience.

    Trump won in 2016, and will likely win again in 2020 because he is capable of communicating with the widest audience possible. Whereas, your average leftist, who obviously does not understand what the FK test actually measures, thinks that the bigger, more flowery words you use makes you a better candidate.

    Curiously, the Flesch Reading Ease test (a companion to the FK grade test) will produce almost the opposite graph, with Trump being listed as perhaps the easiest President to understand, and Obama (the “great orator”) actually ranking near the bottom.

    One of the best selling authors of all time, James Patterson has his novels ranking abound the 5th grade level for readability.

    Once again, the well educated Harvard graduate is demonstrating how meaningless that education really is.

    1. Wow, just for goofs, I ran my comment through a F-K calculator. Apparently, I am not reaching the widest audience I could… I scored around a 10.4 grade level.

      Then I ran Mr. Yglesias’ text through the same calculator. Returned a 21.2 grade level, college level. Apparently he is so brilliant that his writing is incomprehensible.

      Yet, I can sleep soundly at night knowing that my ability to communicate is significantly better than Mr. Harvard’s

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