And apparently no other states has come closer.

Having Publix locations be vaccination points is very smart, you cannot call yourself a Floridian if you do not know by heart how to get to your nearest sammich goodness supplier and assorted groceries. Hell, I have 6 Publix location within a 3 mile radius of my house.

An the church thing is gonna be a hit, specially if they make it a full day event with munchies, drinks and entertainment. I can imagine a Black church or two dishing out some honest-to-God BBQ to attract people.

I know “DeathSantis” (as the Left calls him) is hated by Democrats because of his support for Trump, but same as with Cuba, nobody is flocking northbound I-95 to NY or NJ to escape the virus and the government, but just the opposite.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Worst Governor Ever! DeSantis announces 500,000 seniors have been vaccinated.”
  1. The more effective you are at doing something the more the Left hates you.

    The Left loves useless politicians who accomplish nothing but sound great on TV.

    1. They need to sound great on TV … and create new taxes that will never be used to fix the problems for which they’re created.

      The Left has a vested interest in collecting all the resources necessary to fix problems, and then leaving those problems unfixed so they can collect even more. Or alternatively, using the resources, but coming up short and leveraging the potential waste to blackmail the voters for more to “finish the job”.

  2. I heard someone on the radio saying that if you want to vaccinate seniors, setting up at a stadium or convention center is not the way to do it.

    Instead, if you want to vaccinate seniors, you need to set up at pharmacies. Walgreens, Walmart/Sam’s Club, Safeway, Fred Meyer/Kroger, Publix, whatever you have. Do the vaccines where they’re already picking up their various medications.

    (In the real world, this doesn’t just get more seniors vaccinated. Young people have to pick up groceries at the store, too, right?)

    Florida under DeSantis is doing it right, and the Left will never forgive him for it.

  3. “One month after the first shipments of COVID-19 vaccines arrived in the state, Texas has become the first in the nation to administer 1 million doses, Gov. Greg Abbott said Thursday.”

    You were sayin’?

  4. The Israelis had immunized 24% of their population by Thursday January 14.

    They announced that the Assisted Living facility full of 70, 80, and 90 year olds including my parents may get immunized the first week of February. MAY? Two weeks ago, it was planned to be this week or next.

    I expect by the time they get my parents immunized the Israelis will have half their people or more immunized.

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