Or rather NOT doing.

ORLANDO, Fla. – One day after Florida’s governor issued an executive order stating that passengers who fly from New York to the Sunshine State amid the coronavirus pandemic must undergo a mandatory quarantine, there appeared to be a lack of enforcement.

Most of Tuesday — from morning into early afternoon — passengers arriving from New York to Orlando International Airport gates just walked off the plane without any screening.

Passengers arriving from New York’s LaGuardia Airport on a Frontier flight Tuesday said an airline representative met the flight, announced the governor had ordered a mandatory quarantine for all passengers, handed passengers a four-page packet from the Florida Department of Health asking for contact information and then allowed passengers to walk off the plane and out of the airport.

No screening, no enforcement of quarantine at Orlando International Airport, passengers say

It had to be House of the Mouse County. I believe the biggest concentration of idiots outside Pasco in in Orange county and Pasco has the excuse of having too much meth flowing the streets. Why is the order of the governor being ignored? Is it plain stupidity of there is a political interest in Florida being infected. Sorry for the Tin Foil Hat, but this inaction smells like partisan crap.

Do pray we don’t get hit by a hurricane this year.  We are but a month away from the beginning of the season.

Hat Tip MiniMe.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “WTF is the Florida Department of Health doing?”
  1. People in general are ignoring the order as soon as they don’t find it convenient to follow it. I think we should just give in and let the disease run its course.

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