Oatly is a Swedish company that produces “milk alternatives” from oats.

I have nothing against these sorts of beverages.  I enjoy a glass of vanilla almond milk every now and again.  It also is quite good as a base when making fruit smoothies.

When it comes to advertising food, the ads that I think appeal the best tell me about how the food tastes or perhaps its health benefits such as lower fat, lower cholesterol, lower sugar, etc.

Oatly decided to go the other way with its ads – or adverts, since it’s in the UK.

Oatly thought that the best way to sell oat milk was to have the characters in the advert engage in shaming and elder abuse.


Just a thought: perhaps it would be a little better if the kid shaming his dad for drinking milk wasn’t terribly obese.


Dad hates his life because his know-it-all daughter bullies him out of having a glass of milk.

The daughter stares him down as he sheepishly resigned to his fate of going without milk.


This dad clearly wants a glass of milk but is afraid of his daughter, so says no.  I guess, with her nose in her phone, if he drinks the milk, she will cancel him online.


This kid, with his shit-eating smirk, catching his dad putting milk in the fridge like it’s drugs or something.

This is the ultimate Zoomer commercial.  The activist kid clearly knows more than the parents and feels entitled to boss their parents around over their preference for dairy milk.

This is the David Hogg of dairy alternative commercials, the obnoxious kid yelling at the adults.

Asshole activist vegan Zoomers.  That is who this commercial is for.

It makes me want to make a milk commercial, where the dad is sitting there, with a nice glass of milk and some chocolate chip cookies.  The kid starts to get all shitty with dad and wants him to dip his cookie in oat milk (which is a crime against humanity), and dad process to throw junior out of the house with his oat milk, telling him that as long as he (dad) is the breadwinner, he will drink whatever the hell he pleases.

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By J. Kb

12 thoughts on “WTF is wrong with advertising in the UK, also vegans are a**holes”
  1. My daughter-in-law’s a vegan. It’s a matter of choice on her part and she doesn’t try to push it on others. If only all vegans were that way.

    1. It seems to be endemic to vegans, but less so with vegetarians (especially those who eat eggs and milk products).

  2. Whenever they tried to lecture me, I used to tell them that we were indeed a Democracy. Each person in the house could get one vote for every dollar they put towards the bills each month. All votes expire at the end of the month and must be repurchased.
    They hated it at the time. Until I heard my son tell his live in girlfriend the exact same thing. I laughed pretty hard. She didn’t.

  3. Welp, on my part, my wife who is over 55yoa and drinks a decent amount of milk a day has no problems with bone density, whereas our semi-vegan friend who is 45 is already suffering from brittle bones.

    And our friend’s doctor told her to drink animal milk as it’s the best way not to lose more bone.

    Those commercials? They would make sure that I would never willingly bring any of their products into my house.

  4. Another commercial made to make men look stupid..
    Britain has been the great nanny state for a long time. All “vegan” people I run into are giant shiiteheads. Theres a bunch around here. I just call it a target rich environment…..

  5. This reminds me of the jackhole who demanded his neighbors not grill outside when he chose to go running.

  6. This reminds me of all those smirky kids back in the late 60s/early 70s, chiding their parents for smoking. The ads made you want to light up a whole carton of cigarettes.

  7. I could not imagine treating my parents this way, not now and certainly not as a wee lad for fear or a leather belt and wooden switch style southern woopin.

  8. Thus the tremendous appeal Progressive Ideology has for the young- Instant Wisdom!
    Which is mostly sophomoric, solipsistic, faulty, and wrong, but we know that already.

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