Nobody, OK? I got sick of hearing that little phrase over and over from doomsday pundits.

Guess what? We have numbers now.  I went to the WHO page “Coronavirus disease (COVID-2019) situation reports” and pulled the one for March 10, 2020. 

Italy:  Confirmed cases, 9172. Deaths, 463.  (5.04%)
Spain: Confirmed cases, 1024, Deaths, 28.  (2.73 %)

I then got the report for yesterday and look the US numbers March 23, 2020.

USA: Confirmed cases, 31573 1. Deaths, 402. (1.2%)

We have different health Care systems, different environmental and social components, different lifestyles and cultures, and yet some people are  trying to do the dumb thing and say the factors not included in the equation do not matter, only their wild ass guess do.

I hope we do much better. I realize this thing can go south at any time, but I want to know the real reasons and not just a scaremongering time frame without any scientific base.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

One thought on “Wuhan Virus: “We are two weeks away from (Country name goes here)!””
  1. I cannot begin to describe how completely annoying it is when people compare countries with simple stats. The gun control folks… XYZ country has ABC% lower crime than the US with almost zero guns…. blah, blah, blah….

    Same thing here. We are two weeks away from…. what? Does anyone understand why Italy is so hard hit with this virus? Could it be a massive number of Chinese residents, both legal and “undocumented” that were likely travelling to/from Chine before restrictions were put in place? Or the aging population? Or the culture where a coffee is not grabbing a paper cup and walking with a friend it is sitting six people around a table large enough for three, and having a chat and a laugh. Greeting each other with a hug, or kiss is the norm.

    So… what exactly will put us at Italy, or some other country, in two weeks? I do not know, and neither does the person writing that.

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