From National Propaganda Public Radio:

Gov. Jay Inslee Says Washington State Is A ‘Template For Success’ For The U.S.

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee has not been shy about framing his candidacy to become the 2020 Democratic nominee for president around global climate change.

In his policy proposal he says that defeating climate change is the “defining challenge of our time,” and that it is incumbent upon the next president of the United States to make that challenge a priority.

Inslee also pointed to his state as a model for how economic growth and progressive policies like fighting climate change do not need to be at odds with one another.

Remember that Seattle is not just the largest city in the state of Washington, it is the largest city in the Pacific North West, and 60% of Washington’s residents live in the Seattle metropolitan statistical area.

So, ummm… with that in mind… I’m going to leave this right here.

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By J. Kb

One thought on “Yeah right…”
  1. I saw that documentary/news report a couple of weeks ago and it’s pretty grim. The worst part of it is that the politicians in charge of the city don’t give two shits about the tax-paying citizenry. All they care about is their fucking leftist agenda. If Seattle is the “template for success” for the nation, start packing for Tasmania!

    EVERYTHING liberals touch turns to shit. EVERYTHING.

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