Everything from the times before the revolution is sinful.  Everything will be judged only on its worst characteristics and be condemned.  It will all be destroyed to make way for a more pure and perfect future.

From Portland:

This is how The New York Times, the paper of record, wrote about it:

Reconsidering the Past, One Statue at a Time

The boiling anger that exploded in the days after George Floyd gasped his final breaths is now fueling a national movement to topple perceived symbols of racism and oppression in the United States, as protests over police brutality against African-Americans expand to include demands for a more honest accounting of American history.

In Portland, Ore., demonstrators protesting police killings turned their ire to Thomas Jefferson, toppling a statue of the founding father who also enslaved more than 600 people.

Not Thomas Jefferson our third President.  Not drafter of the Declaration of Independence.  Not perhaps the most intellectually influential Founding Father on the topic of religious freedom in the United States.  Not the President who defeated the Barbary Pirates ending the enslavement of Americans and Europeans in the Mediterranean and Atlantic. Not the man who ended the importation of slaves into Virginia.

Nope, he owed 600 people and that’s all that matters.

No wonder his statue had to be torn down.  Anyone who disagrees is a racist who still believes in slavery.

No one is without sin.  Everything and everyone will be purged.  The slate will be wiped clean.  The only way to move forward is to eliminate the past.

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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “Year Zero is coming”
  1. I think this is going to end poorly. We’re quickly approaching a bottleneck in which a very vocal minority will decry that society at large must bow down and kiss the boat, or you will be labeled “racist”, and they’ll be in for a rude awakening when an overwhelming majority will simply shrug in unison and say, “well, I guess I’m a racist now”.
    From there, I can actually see this leading to racial animus. I’m not talking lynchings, but I can see a lot of white Americans now being weary of supporting black causes.

      1. What blm is going to get is every color will be wary of every color like the femizazis did with women in you cant evencompliment a women without being drawn n quartered fired run outa town on a rail. These idiots are promoting racism. On a GOOD note I heard alot of these toppled statues are being put back up. Wait til november when Trumpy wins. Buy ammo

  2. I’m quite confident that none of the f***heads who do this sort of thing ever read Jefferson’s DRAFT of the Declaration of Independence, where he plainly and forcefully denounced slavery and the slave trade.
    People have also started vandalizing Washington statues. I’m waiting to see if Inslee will propose renaming his state, or if people start pushing for the renaming of our capital.

    1. Come to think of it, the capital has two strokes against it, “Washington” and “District of Columbia“. Any bets on when BLM or AOC or other whackjobs will start agitating for this to change?

  3. “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” ― George Orwell, 1984

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