This is a follow-up post to Woodchipper party in Hudson !!!

There are more details and I fully stand by what I said.

Ohio mayor tells ENTIRE school board to resign or ‘face child pornography charges’ after teachers gave children writing prompt to ‘write a sex scene you wouldn’t show your mom’

At issue are the highly inappropriate writing prompts distributed to students in the Liberal Arts II writing class at Hudson High School, including ‘Write a sex scene you wouldn’t show your mom’, ‘Describe your favorite part of a man’s body using only verbs’ and ‘Write an X-rated Disney scenario’.

Inappropriate prompts included in the book

      • Write a sex scene you wouldn’t show your mom.
      • Rewrite the sex scene from above into one that you’d let your mom read.
      • You have just been caught in bed by a jealous spouse. How will you talk your way out of this?
      • Describe a time when you wanted to orgasm but couldn’t.
      • Ten euphemisms for sex.
      • Drink a beer. Write about the taste.
      • Write an X-rated Disney scenario.
      • A roomful of people who want to sleep together.
      • The first time you had sex.
      • Describe your favorite part of a man’s body using only verbs.

Having children write explicit, often first person, erotica for adults to read.  That is what the school board promoted.

If that is not grooming I don’t know what is.

So yes, I stand by my principle of pedos to the chipper, and that includes adults who want children to write explicit, first person erotica for them.

Morbark go brrrrrrrrr…

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “Yes they deserved to be charged (and chippered)”
  1. Yup.

    Like I said, it may not fit the moral standard of child pornography. I would say it definitely fits the legal standard. It’s also so inappropriate that it would be hilarious if it were fictional. It’s like someone decided to draw their assignment inspiration from American Pie.

    So yeah. School board needs to resign.

  2. I took several creative writing classes & SOME of these exercises could be considered pretty interesting & possibly useful in a college creative writing class. However, we are NOT talking about a college class, we’re talking high school. This is amazingly inappropriate.It gets worse the younger the students are. I can’t call it CP or pseudo CP. Though I think in certain contexts it could be considered grooming, Knowing the nature of HS kids, I know that if the material produced got out to other kids, that it would immediately be used to mock & ridicule. There is no escape for kids in a high school. In college people that are giving you enough shit in real life can be dealt with via official channels, not so with high school. Its a fucking prison & you’re locked in until you’re 18.

  3. One of the other items on that list is an explicit directive to violate the law: “Drink a beer. Write about the taste.”

  4. Like I said before, how many other high schools are using the same material in their Advanced English Classes, or their College Credit Classes? Does your child’s?

    With a little tweaking by removal of the Pervert Factor, most of those listed ideas would be perfectly acceptable topics.

    I was wrong. The person that wrote that portion of the list is a voyeuristic pervert.

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