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Sorry, not buying. This smells like some of the corporate office thought it would be cool to follow the Liberal trend and grab some headlines till somebody else remembered that Hippies don’t have money to buy their overpriced coolers and hipster don’t go camping. And if it was a misunderstanding, how come it took this long to get it cleared? Did they give notice on Friday and then everybody in Yeti turned off the phones and computers? Nah, it sounds that they got flooded with a bunch of messages stating “F and U and we ain’t buying your shit.”

And, of course, I am sure pure brutal capitalism and the fact that the competition is making hay of their mistake, may have influenced their decision to come up with a really crappy explanation/excuse:

Underlined in red in both pictures are the times when they posted these notes. Note Pelican made its offer and three hours later Yeti finally appeared in the radar.

Listen, I would understand some vineyard in California not wanting to associate itself with initials that gives hives to most of their southern region, but crapping on outdoors people?

Bad mistake.

Update: Even Bison Coolers got with the program before Yeti.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

One thought on “Yeti comes up with an explanation for dropping the NRA. Not buying it.”
  1. If the Yeti pushback gives other companies pause before siding with gun grabbers, I am grateful.

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