And Tom did… I should have been a bit more specific 😀

“Remington reps displayed the R51 9 mm +P pistol. It indeed has a very low bore axis. Trigger breaks cleanly but neither the Red Haired Devil nor I could feel a reset during trigger return.
The aluminum alloy frame is comfortable. Should sell like hotcakes.
And now for something weird: New Taurus, one inch barrel revolver with titanium & aluminum snubbie.
Yes, the plastic place comes with the gun. It is rated for +P ammunition. Allegedly the lightest snub nose in the market? Physics applications against the hand are going to be interesting.
Wait, that plastic sideplate isn’t a display model?
I can’t see how that won’t shatter under recoil forces….
I asked the same question ….. rep said the Lexan sideplate is stock,, “to make the pistol lighter”
I see the connection between the Steampunk couple and the Taurus now.
I’d heard the plastic-sided Taurus is NOT +P rated, but can’t find the link at the moment….
The placard at their booth said nothing about +P rating… but the rep mentioned it during the description twice