By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “You are not a person, you are a broken machine beyond repair”
  1. Yeah, the fist step when you want to exterminate your enemies, dehumanize them. For all their claiming to be anti-fascists, they use “Mien Kampf” as a text book.

  2. So … they think of us as Terminators? (The original ones, not the cute’n’fuzzy new models from the latter movies.)

    Somehow, I think I’ll manage to live with that.

  3. “…All they have is: “I want my way.” period.”

    That’s pretty ripe coming from the socialists, the people who refused to acknowledge Trump is President, and the ones that claim I am a bigot because I do not want to have sex with a M-F transgender. If I do not actively and enthusiastically celebrate their “diversity” I am a hater.

    Yet, I am demanding I have it my way???

  4. “It’s not my fault I want to pass legislation mandating f the extermination of every single United stated citizen that voted for Trump and then send every single solitary United States citizen that opposes that to reeducation camp and exterminate every single solitary United States citizen that opposes the extermination of every single Trump voter that refuses or cannot be re-educated. It’s their fault for being Trump voters.”

    “It’s the fault of the United States population that we have to kill every single person in the United States of that opposes us”

    Classic projection.

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