Another claim of police brutality. This time by the DC police:


You got pushed around by a petite officer that cannot weight but 100 pounds without the gear and claiming  victim status ? That is embarrassing.

On counterpoint and being married to a petite woman, they are mean as hell and I have the scars to prove it 🙂

And there is this poor man, shot to hell by the evil cops.

He got hit with a paintball. A frigging paintball and his leg collapses? He is the reason dodgeball was forbidden in schools.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “You are not looking very butch there.”
  1. She may be tiny, but I wouldn’t mess with her. Going into a crowd without a shield or a baton, just her presence and command voice, just wow.

    As for the snowflake shot with a pepper ball, I’ve had worse bruises from falling off a bicycle as a kid, and no, bike helmets were not an option back then.

  2. I do more damage to myself on home projects than that pussy has. I would be ashamed to report those tiny things. Did he seak medical attention?

  3. Antifa / BLM(tm) bring their warpigs.
    The Police brought their battle hamster.

    Battle Hamster wins.

  4. These are the people who are supposed to be street fighters? The Futbol Flop is no way to win revolutions.

  5. Reminds me of a soul, years and years and years ago. Sustained a few lower leg w/ a .22.

    En route, the conversation was, ” Tell me, doc: am I gonna die?”

    ” No, you are not going to die”

    “Doc, doc, tell me: am I gonna die?”


    (Repeat previous conversation, half a dozen times)

    Mr Futbol Flop likely would make my correspondent look like a freaking stoic master!

  6. Oh noes, she got SHOVED!? That’s like POLICE BRUTALITY! Just because you are in the middle of a semi-hostile crowd and resisting police orders doesn’t mean the police can go around SHOVING you!
    And how dare the police hit people in the bad knee with their pepper bullets? Just because I’m in the middle of a rioting mob of people doesn’t give the police the right to hit me in the bad knee! They should be required to find the complete physical fitness report of every person in attendance, and be legally required to never shoot any LTL rounds into a crowd unless they can GUARANTEE that no one will be injured in the slightest way! It’s unspeakable brutality! How dare these pigs go around using violence on people just because they are rioting in the streets? This is America, and we have our rights!
    If you are too weak or disabled to stand up to being shoved, or hit with pepper balls, or even hit with batons, then you shouldn’t be out rioting in the streets. These people literally think they have a right to riot and run amok, doing as they please, and that the police cannot do anything at all to them in return? I could respect people who believed so strongly about what they believe that they are willing to break the law and defy authority IN SPITE OF THE CONSEQUENCES. That can be a form of bravery, even though I generally don’t agree with it. A person going and occupying the court house as a protest KNOWING THAT THEY WILL BE ARRESTED AND DOING IT ANYWAY can be considered admirable. The people who want to be able to break the law and do as they please and then whine when they faced with consequences I have nothing but scorn for. “Protesting” does not give you the right to riot as you please with impunity. If you are willing to riot for your cause, you should be willing to take bruises and arrest as a consequence. This is a big difference between protestors from the 60s and those today. Of course there is a reason: they know the media will side with them, and they can use constant pressure to entangle and defang the police, to scare the politicians into hamstringing the police so they can continue their insurrection unmolested.

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