By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “You are on your own: NYPD Deli shooting”
  1. What the hell? Were they waiting for the perp to steal an officer’s gun and murder someone? And the shop keeper was the one who disarmed they guy.

  2. Brown haired Karen1 and Blondie Karen 2 were completely useless. They did not even back each other up. What was Blondie doing? Was Blondie hoping the wackjob would take out her partner? I noticed Brownie later was not going to step outside and help defend her partner either.

    If they are NYPD, then no wonder why NYPD is in trouble.

    Was this all over a mask?

  3. Reminds me of this:

    It’s disturbing to see the fight or flight response just fail to kick in. There’s perhaps a rational acknowledgement of the danger of the situation, but the actual instinct isn’t there; she KNOWS she should do something, but has been programmed to stuff down any semblance of self-preservation.

  4. Thumb over grip in the picture is telling. As mentioned above, I’m amazed she didn’t hit one any of the back up officers. Also odd that she only shot to defend another person and not herself.

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