This is a situation that demands transparency. For those without weapons, it is important for them to know who is packing heat. This could be achieved by requiring everyone carrying a concealed weapon to wear a red cap or a shirt embossed with skull and crossbones, at least until everyone is equipped.
via Let’s help everyone stand some ground.
Hmmm.. I was thinking about other warning labels like a six-pointed Yellow Star armband or a Scarlet Letter. Maybe people with Concealed Carry permits should have their permit numbers tattooed in their forearms? And there is the centuries old tradition of branding certain people deemed “dangerous” or “Immoral” with a hot iron in their foreheads or cheeks.
You gotta love when their true feelings float for all to see.
Someone needs to beat this fool over the head with a history book. The people that need to know that I am carrying will know by the loud noise and bright flash just as the lights go out. Every one else, it’s not their business.
+1 on Robert!
I second the +1
Also, is Omdahl so stupid he doesn’t understand the concealed part? oh… never mind. I forgot which side made the statement.
Maybe he wants everyone to open carry? Nah, he’d wet himself.
Actually, I think this is an excellent idea.
“Hey, gangsta; see this mark of Cain? It means I’m packing, which meansthat if you go up against me, there’s a better than even chance that you’ll cool to ambient temperature shortly after confronting me.
“See that Eloi gamboling about over there? He’s proclaiming himself his own personal gun-free zone. You can rob him, rape him, kill him, without a downside for you.
“Now, there’s one question I’ve got to ask you: do you feel lucky, punk? Well, do you?”
Perfect solution!
Hmmm…I see a different spin on this. Lets make those who fear guns and demand transparency happy. Pass Constitutional Carry. No license necessary (although bringing back Eddie Eagle in the school system, plus rifle/pistol teams at the local high schools, with accompanying safety/orientation classes for ANYONE, regardless of whether they’re on the team or not, would go a LONG way to helping with the safety aspect…and perhaps a state-subsidized “first time” class for those not in school?). Open carry for all. There ya go….a heater on the hip, displayed in the open for all to see is about as transparent as you can get. The Quivering Liberals get what they want (transparency), the gunnies get what they want (the ability to carry without being regulated at every step), the criminals and politicians (but I repeat myself) get what they want (instant recognition of who is carrying and who is not and which targets are the easiest, and those poor inner-city angels who were turning their lives around will no longer be butchered as they re-distribute wealth on their way to choir practice). Its a win-win-win all around!