By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “You cannot make this s*** up. SanFran Helps Pot Biz.”
  1. A drugged population is easy to control. Maine is a dopers paradise… I call it a target rich environment..

  2. Their argument for legalizing it was the tax revenue they were sure it would generate….It was pointed out by numerous people that once it was legalized, the black market, untaxed, weed would be cheaper than the taxed and their vaunted tax revenue would be nowhere close to their fantasies.
    But let’s keep pushing those daft ideas…. Even if they’re demonstrably false.

  3. There is only one reason that political leaders, mostly on the Left, are supporting legalization of this harmful substance, i.e. it is easier to extract honey from a beehive when the inhabitants are under the influence of smoke. And it is easier to extract freedoms from Americans when a substantial portion are stoned and docile, not to mention made more dependent on government by this “innocuous” drug.

  4. That’s because California’s legal pot regs made it practically impossible to turn any kind of profit.

    California murders golden goose. Shocking, eh?

  5. Remember what happened during the prohibition era.
    Gangs expanded enormously with the money to be made from illegal liquor.
    Soon they were rivaling one another, and soon there was gang warfare. In those days, one could buy a Tommy gun or a BAR at various hardware stores or gun shops.
    Because of the gang wars, the NFA was instituted, causing harm to the citizens to this day.
    In this land, our freedoms have been eroded, bit by bit, for a hundred years.
    No wonder we are pissed off.
    I say that our freedoms should be as they were.
    You want to get rid of gang violence? Here’s an idea:
    If any adult wants to buy any drug, they should be able to go to the local drug store and buy it. Gambling should be legal and uncontrolled. You should be able to buy a full auto firearm at any gun shop. The NFA and the DEA should be abolished. The officers should be put on Border Patrol duties, if they want to, or find another job.
    The SEC should be eliminated or downsized.
    Half the Gummint sycophants in DC should be laid off.
    Anyway, that’s my two cents…..

  6. Coda:
    I meant to say, downsizing Gummint entities, or abolishing some, would reduce the need for so many taxes, and help the national debt. Also, restructure welfare and food stamps, so that a family With A Father, can also apply. This will help to re-instate the nuclear family in poorer areas. It is well-known that fatherless children are apt to join gangs and lead a life of crime.

    1. Also, when prohibition was abolished, newly useless bureaucrats had to scramble to find a new government scam to work on. And they did; the “killer weed” scare was invented at that time for that purpose.

  7. I saw a story on the news the other day about pot shops getting the same smash and grab break-ins as every other business in pretty much all of California.

    The good part was the guy who owns the shop said he felt safer selling on the street. I assume he meant when it was still illegal.

  8. Butbutbut…the dopefiend Libertardians assured us that this was unpossible, and that legalization would put the illegal business out of business.

    Even though I (and a million other people) told you cartels would give the stuff away for free, and just wait for rent and utility overhead to kill the legal weed shops.

    There’s clearly an untapped market for a “Economics 101 For Fucktards” book.

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